Kubernetes secure development best practices in action
Member Post Kubernetes secure development best practices in action
Guest post by Saylor Berman, Senior Software Engineer, F5 NGINX and Ciara Stacke, Senior Software Engineer, F5 NGINX Using minimal Docker containers is a popular strategy in the world of containerization due to benefits of security and resource...
October 11, 2023 | By Saylor Berman and Ciara Stacke

Exploring Kepler’s potentials: unveiling cloud application power consumption
Member Post Exploring Kepler’s potentials: unveiling cloud application power consumption
Guest post by Marcelo Amaral, Sunyanan Choochotkaew, Eun Kyung Lee, Huamin Chen, and Tamar Eilam Stepping into the exciting world of technology where things are always on the move, we’re introduced to cool new applications like the ones...
October 11, 2023

The road to Scaphandre v1.0 : Challenges and improvements to come on IT energy consumption evaluation
The road to Scaphandre v1.0 : Challenges and improvements to come on IT energy consumption evaluation
Community guest post by Benoit Petit, co-founder of Hubblo as part of the cloud native sustainability week This blog post is about sharing what thoughts and insights we got during developing Scaphandre with our contributors, discussing with researchers...
October 11, 2023

SiliconANGLE: “Container networking engine Cilium graduates from CNCF incubation”
SiliconANGLE: “Container networking engine Cilium graduates from CNCF incubation”
Cilium, an open-source technology used to manage software containers’ network traffic, today graduated from the CNCF’s incubation program.
October 11, 2023

Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Graduates Cilium Networking Software Project”
Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Graduates Cilium Networking Software Project”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today revealed that the open source Cilium networking software project has officially graduated alongside projects such as Kubernetes, Prometheus and others.
October 11, 2023

KCD Washington DC rolls for a third year: a celebration of Kubernetes community and collaboration
KCD Post KCD Washington DC rolls for a third year: a celebration of Kubernetes community and collaboration
By Matthew Cascio, lead organizer, KCD Washington DC *Kubernetes Community Days Washington DC* (KCD DC) recently celebrated its third consecutive year with great success, leaving attendees inspired and the Kubernetes community buzzing with energy. For the second year...
October 10, 2023

Keeping secrets secure on Kubernetes
Member Post Keeping secrets secure on Kubernetes
Member post originally published on the CyberArk blog by John Walsh Handling secrets in cloud-native environments is a challenge for many organizations. Virtually any application requires some sort of secret, such as a database password, a service token,...
October 10, 2023 | By John Walsh

Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community Post Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community post by Catherine Paganini Overview Since its inception, Linkerd has always focused on having the smallest possible resource footprint. That makes it not only the most efficient and cost-effective service mesh on the market, but also the...
October 10, 2023

Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community Post Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community post by Michel Murabito Today, on the 9th of October, the CNCF Cloud Native Sustainability Week kicks off with a series of global events organized by the cloud native community, dedicated to highlighting the importance of environmental...
October 9, 2023 | By Michel Murabito

Secure your Kubernetes environment with OPA and Gatekeeper
Member Post Secure your Kubernetes environment with OPA and Gatekeeper
Guest post originally published on SighUP’s blog by Simone Ragonesi We will introduce you to the powerful combination of Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Gatekeeper for Kubernetes security. In this article, we will introduce you to the powerful combination...
October 9, 2023