Murre – the lightweight K8s metrics monitoring tool
Member Post Murre – the lightweight K8s metrics monitoring tool
Guest post originally published on groundcover’s blog by Yechezkel Rabinovich, Co-Founder and CTO at groundcover Meet Murre. Murre is an on-demand, scaleable source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes. Murre fetches CPU & memory resource metrics directly from...
November 10, 2022 | By Yechezkel Rabinovich

The New Stack: “The Latest Milestones on WebAssembly’s Road to Maturity”
The New Stack: “The Latest Milestones on WebAssembly’s Road to Maturity”
Even in the midst of hand-wringing at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America about how the global economy will make it tough for startups to gain support in the near future, the news about a couple of young WebAssembly-centric...
November 10, 2022

Technology in the Cloud Native Maturity Model
Community Post Technology in the Cloud Native Maturity Model
Guest post originally published by Marcello Testi, CNCF Cartografos Working Group Member This blog post takes a closer look at the Technology section of the Cloud Native Maturity Model (CNMM). To learn more visit the Cartografos Working Group...
November 9, 2022 | By Marcello Testi

Multi-tenancy in Kubernetes: implementation and optimization
Member Post Multi-tenancy in Kubernetes: implementation and optimization
Guest post by Feng Ye, Software Engineering Manager & Virtink Project Maintainer at SmartX Kubernetes users usually share clusters to meet the demands of multiple teams and multiple customers, which is usually described using the term multi-tenancy. Multi-tenancy...
November 9, 2022 | By Feng Ye

Free introduction to Backstage course now available
Staff Post Free introduction to Backstage course now available
Backstage, which joined the CNCF Incubator in March of this year has seen considerable interest, with the project hosting its first co-located event – BackstageCon – at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America last month. Over 200 organizations have...
November 8, 2022

Flux October 2022 update
Project Post Flux October 2022 update
Project post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are...
November 8, 2022

Demonstrating your K8s scheduler with kube-scheduler-simulator in a real cluster
Member Post Demonstrating your K8s scheduler with kube-scheduler-simulator in a real cluster
Guest post originally published on the Miraxia blog by Takuma Kawai In the previous post, I wrote how we can develop our own scheduler with kube-scheduler-simulator. If you could implemented your new scheduler, you may want to try it in...
November 8, 2022 | By Takuma Kawai

SANS DevSecOps Survey 2022: 5 Key Takeaways
Member Post SANS DevSecOps Survey 2022: 5 Key Takeaways
Guest post originally published on Deepfactor’s blog by Seth Knox, Chief Marketing Officer at Deepfactor How DevSecOps and Developer Security Can Reduce Risk, Accelerate Release Velocity, and Save Developers Time Over the 20+ years I’ve been working in...
November 7, 2022 | By Seth Knox

ComputerWeekly: “Kubernetes and the open-source maintainer question”
ComputerWeekly: “Kubernetes and the open-source maintainer question”
While much of last month’s KubeCon-CloudNativeCon North America was focused on specific software projects, case studies and tech challenges, there was a discernible undercurrent of concern. And it wasn’t just about specific projects, it was to do with keeping the...
November 7, 2022

Zero trust for cloud-native workloads: Mitigating future Log4j incidents
Zero trust for cloud-native workloads: Mitigating future Log4j incidents
Guest post originally published on the Tigera blog by Giri Radhakrishnan In my previous blog post, I introduced the brief history of zero trust, the core pillars of a zero-trust model, and how to build a zero-trust model...
November 4, 2022