Community shapes the software industry: how contributing to open source benefits developers and the world
Member Post Community shapes the software industry: how contributing to open source benefits developers and the world
Guest post originally published on Traefik Labs’ blog by Tiffany Long, Open Source Community Manager at Traefik Labs Open source software (OSS) has changed the way the tech industry works forever. In the early years of OSS, the...
November 1, 2022 | By Tiffany Long

Evaluator Group: “KubeCon 2022: From DevOps to PlatformOps”
Evaluator Group: “KubeCon 2022: From DevOps to PlatformOps”
This is the third KubeCon I have attended in person. The first was in Los Angeles during the fall of 2021 (a first for most during the Covid period). LA was lightly attended for obvious reasons, and could...
November 1, 2022

The New Stack: “Devs and Ops: Can This Marriage Be Saved?”
The New Stack: “Devs and Ops: Can This Marriage Be Saved?”
Are we still shifting left? Is it realistic to expect developers to take on the burdens of security and infrastructure provisioning, as well as writing their applications? Is platform engineering the answer to saving the DevOps dream?
November 1, 2022

SiliconANGLE: “ING Bank adopts namespace solution to protect its critical infrastructure”
SiliconANGLE: “ING Bank adopts namespace solution to protect its critical infrastructure”
Banking security has evolved as one of the most challenging in the IT industry because of the number of users and amount of money at stake.
October 31, 2022

Open Cluster Management November 2022 update
Member Post Open Cluster Management November 2022 update
Guest post originally published by Brae Troutman, Red Hat As the Open Cluster Management (OCM) project and community continues to grow, we felt it was important to start periodically communicating what we are doing with the project, where we...
October 31, 2022 | By Brae Troutman

Prove the authenticity of OCI artifacts
Project Post Prove the authenticity of OCI artifacts
Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog Software supply chain attacks are one of the most critical risks threatening today’s software and have begun to collapse like a dark cloud over the software industry. For the Flux family...
October 31, 2022

SiliconANGLE: “Security, enterprise support and collaboration emerge as major themes during KubeCon NA”
SiliconANGLE: “Security, enterprise support and collaboration emerge as major themes during KubeCon NA”
After three full days in Detroit, the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA gathering came to a close, marked by open-source project news and expanding enterprise use cases for Kubernetes.
October 31, 2022

Dark Reading: “Cloud-Native Security Was in the Air at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2022”
Dark Reading: “Cloud-Native Security Was in the Air at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2022”
As a self-identified movie buff, some movie lines somehow stick with me over the years. One of them is from Ridley Scott’s Gladiator (2000), when a Roman senator says, “The beating heart of Rome is not the marble...
October 31, 2022

Computing: “Why enterprises must do more to support open source software they use”
Computing: “Why enterprises must do more to support open source software they use”
CNCF panellists discuss what if the maintainer of that vital component goes under a bus.Some important software libraries are ubiquitous, incorporated into hundreds of thousands of applications. If you want to secure traffic OpenSSL is a very popular...
October 31, 2022

SiliconANGLE: “Analysts lay out new technologies to solve enterprise needs at KubeCon NA Day 2”
SiliconANGLE: “Analysts lay out new technologies to solve enterprise needs at KubeCon NA Day 2”
Following two full days at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA, analysts onsite gained a clearer sense of the key themes.
October 28, 2022