This is the third KubeCon I have attended in person. The first was in Los Angeles during the fall of 2021 (a first for most during the Covid period). LA was lightly attended for obvious reasons, and could be characterized by a feel-good; “yeah-we-are-back” and “isn’t what we are doing wonderful?” The second was May 2022 in Valencia, Spain. It was well attended with over 6000 in-person attendees, more than expected. The general theme in Spain from the CNCF crowd was, while cloud native development was gaining great traction, there were issues of operational maturity and security. This was highlighted by Jim Zemlin’s talk on security coming from his recent gathering with the Biden administration. Also, Priyanka Sharma’s keynote was on the maturing of the projects, the process for graduation and recognition that releases needed to be consolidated to lessen the burden on operational deployment.