
State of Cloud Native Development
Staff Post State of Cloud Native Development
*Note – you can find the latest version of the State of Cloud Native Development report, published in December 2021, here. Over the last six months, there has been a significant increase in the global adoption of cloud...
August 14, 2020

Envoy 1.15 introduces a new Postgres extension with monitoring support
Project Post Envoy 1.15 introduces a new Postgres extension with monitoring support
This is a guest post co-authored by Fabrízio Mello and Álvaro Hernández, from OnGres. Envoy 1.15 was released on July 6th, and it included an interesting mention in the release notes: a new plugin, for Postgres! This post will introduce why this plugin was...
August 13, 2020 | By Fabrízio Mello and Álvaro Hernández

Introducing Policy As Code: The Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Member Post Introducing Policy As Code: The Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Guest post originally published on the Magalix blog by Mohamed Ahmed What Is OPA? It’s a project that started in 2016 aimed at unifying policy enforcement across different technologies and systems. Today, OPA is used by giant players within the...
August 13, 2020 | By Mohamed Ahmed

The magic trick of CQRS: decoupling of microservice data
Member Post The magic trick of CQRS: decoupling of microservice data
Guest post from Fred Chien (錢逢祥)of Brobridge Photo by Tobias Fischer on Unsplash An example of rapid implementation of Open API requirements Unless your application is in a state where there is no data requirement or no data residency (refer to the...
August 13, 2020 | By Fred Chien

21 CNCF interns graduate from the Q2 2020 Linux Foundation CommunityBridge Program
Staff Post 21 CNCF interns graduate from the Q2 2020 Linux Foundation CommunityBridge Program
In our biggest class yet, 21 CNCF interns have successfully passed the CommunityBridge program! 14 CNCF Graduated, Incubating and Sandbox projects participated in the program this quarter including CoreDNS, Envoy, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Prometheus and more. CommunityBridge was created...
August 13, 2020

Using DRBD block devices for KubeVirt
Member Post Using DRBD block devices for KubeVirt
Guest post originally published on the LINBIT blog by Roland Kammerer This demonstrates how to use DRBD block devices provisioned by the LINSTOR CSI driver. We assume that the CSI driver is working (e.g., by installing it via it operator/helm...
August 12, 2020

CNCF Project Envoy enables Arm64 CI using Azure Pipelines on AWS Graviton2
Project Post CNCF Project Envoy enables Arm64 CI using Azure Pipelines on AWS Graviton2
By Envoy Contributors: Kushal Koolwal (Arm), Jingzhao Ni (Arm), Matt Klein (Envoy/CNCF), Lizan Zhou (Tetrate) Software applications are being created and rewritten with a “cloud-native first” mindset, leveraging principles of containerization and its orchestration, microservices, and delivering them...
August 12, 2020

Extending Kubernetes to an unlimited one through tensile-kube
Member Post Extending Kubernetes to an unlimited one through tensile-kube
Guest Post from Weidong Cai and Ye Yin of Tencent Recently, the Tencent Games container team named Tenc has open sourced the Kubernetes (K8s) multi-cluster scheduling project tensile-kube. This blog will briefly introduce the tensile-kube. Birth of tensile-kube...
August 11, 2020

Why the Kubernetes Scheduler Is Not Enough for Your AI Workloads
Member Post Why the Kubernetes Scheduler Is Not Enough for Your AI Workloads
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon sponsor guest post from Alaa Youssef, manager of the Container Cloud Platform at IBM Research AI Workloads on The Cloud The use of container clouds orchestrated by Kubernetes, for the execution of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine...
August 10, 2020

Common Kubernetes config security threats
Member Post Common Kubernetes config security threats
Guest post originally published on the Fairwinds blog by Joe Pelletier, VP of strategy at Fairwinds Securing workloads in Kubernetes is an important part of overall cluster security. The overall goal should be to ensure that containers are...
August 7, 2020