
After learning the ropes with a Kubernetes distribution, built a platform of its own
Staff Post After learning the ropes with a Kubernetes distribution, built a platform of its own has a long history with Kubernetes: In 2015, a team at the travel platform prototyped a container platform based on Mesos and Marathon. Impressed by what the technology offered, but in need of enterprise features at its...
February 13, 2020

Childcare: it’s good for everyone
Community Post Childcare: it’s good for everyone
Guest post from Emily Omier (@EmilyOmier), a strategic content marketing consultant and contributor at The New Stack “There’s my friend Iris,” shouted my then-almost-four-year-old daughter as we walked up to the Marriott Marquis on the first day of...
February 11, 2020

Guide to Kubernetes egress network policies
Member Post Guide to Kubernetes egress network policies
Guest post originally published on StackRox by Viswajith Venugopal A few months ago, we published a guide to setting up Kubernetes network policies, which focused exclusively on ingress network policies. This follow-up post explains how to enhance your...
February 10, 2020

How built a full security program around its video cloud with Falco
How built a full security program around its video cloud with Falco
From Netflix to Fox Sports and Vice, some of the most prominent creators of video and film content use the platform for cloud-based review and collaboration across multiple teams. Given the confidentiality concerns faced by customers, the...
February 6, 2020

Announcing the containerd Project Journey Report
Project Post Announcing the containerd Project Journey Report
Today we are very excited to release our Project Journey Report for containerd. This is the fourth such report we have issued for one of our graduated projects. containerd is a container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness,...
February 5, 2020

Register now: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU day zero events
Staff Post Register now: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU day zero events
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2020 in Amsterdam is just around the corner! The schedule is now live. As you are planning your trip, don’t forget to register for a Day Zero co-located event to make the most of...
February 3, 2020 | By Kim McMahon

CNCF speaker’s Bureau: a great resource
Staff Post CNCF speaker’s Bureau: a great resource
We recently made exciting updates to the CNCF Speakers Bureau page, which hosts CNCF ambassadors, meetup organizers, and prominent community members willing to speak at events. That page provides a consolidated place for event organizers to find speakers...
January 31, 2020 | By Kim McMahon

Kubernetes networking demystified: a brief guide
Member Post Kubernetes networking demystified: a brief guide
Guest post by Karen Bruner, Technical Evangelist, StackRox. Original article can be found here. Kubernetes cluster networking can be more than a bit confusing, even for engineers with hands-on experience working with virtual networks and request routing. In this...
January 30, 2020

Fun times at the Kubernetes forum Seoul and Sydney 2019
Community Post Fun times at the Kubernetes forum Seoul and Sydney 2019
Guest post by Ricardo Aravena Hello everyone! I’m excited to write this post about my experience at the Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney 2019. My journey started in San Francisco on Friday evening, December 6th, 2019, on a...
January 27, 2020

With Kubernetes, China Minsheng Bank transformed its legacy applications-and moved into AI, Blockchain, and Big Data
Staff Post With Kubernetes, China Minsheng Bank transformed its legacy applications-and moved into AI, Blockchain, and Big Data
China Minsheng Bank was the country’s first national commercial bank owned primarily by non-government enterprises, so it should come as no surprise that it’s part of CMBC’s culture to be pioneers. “My bank is always leading in technology...
January 23, 2020