
Flagger adds Gateway API Support
Member Post Flagger adds Gateway API Support
Guest post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach The Flagger team is proud to bring you Kubernetes Gateway API support as part of the 1.19.0 release. Read here about why this is a significant development in...
April 11, 2022 | By Daniel Holbach

Join CNCF and telecommunications giants for Cloud Native Telco Day!
Community Post Join CNCF and telecommunications giants for Cloud Native Telco Day!
By Joel Hans for CNCF If your day-to-day involves the digital transformation of telco applications and/or infrastructures, you might be feeling like you have a mountain to climb when it comes to adopting cloud native and meeting new...
April 7, 2022 | By Joel Hans

Flux March 2022 Update
Project Post Flux March 2022 Update
Project post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are...
April 7, 2022

Cloud Native Batch System Volcano moves to the CNCF Incubator
Staff Post Cloud Native Batch System Volcano moves to the CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Volcano as a CNCF incubating project.  Volcano is a cloud native batch system and CNCF’s first batch computing project. It is developed to extend cloud native from micro...
April 7, 2022

How to render Jenkins build parameters dynamically?
Member Post How to render Jenkins build parameters dynamically?
Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Nirav Katarmal While working with the Jenkins jobs (whether it’s declarative or freestyle), we often need to pass some parameters to the code being executed when you trigger the...
April 6, 2022 | By Nirav Katarmal

Flux security: Using pod security standard “restricted”
Project Post Flux security: Using pod security standard “restricted”
Project post originally published on the Flux Blog by Daniel Holbach Next up in our blog series about Flux Security is how we moved to Pod Security Standard “restricted”, all the background info you need to know and how that...
April 5, 2022 | By Daniel Holbach

Learn OpenTelemetry tracing with this lightweight microservices demo
Member Post Learn OpenTelemetry tracing with this lightweight microservices demo
Guest post originally published in the Timescale Blog by Ramon Guiu and John Pruitt OpenTelemetry is an open source observability framework for cloud-native service and infrastructure instrumentation hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It has gained a lot...
April 4, 2022 | By Ramon Guiu and John Pruitt

4 reasons to build a geographically distributed network
Member Post 4 reasons to build a geographically distributed network
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Iwan Price-Evans In a world that is more reliant than ever on global connectivity, it’s increasingly important to understand how data traffic flows between different nodes or is routed between...
April 4, 2022 | By Iwan Price-Evans

Trusting SBOMs in the software supply chain: Syft now creates attestations using Sigstore
Member Post Trusting SBOMs in the software supply chain: Syft now creates attestations using Sigstore
Guest post originally published on the Anchore blog by Dan Luhring With the recent release of Syft v0.40.0, you can now create signed SBOM attestations directly in Syft. This is made possible by Project Sigstore, which makes signing and verification...
March 30, 2022

Configuring OpenTelemetry in Ruby
Member Post Configuring OpenTelemetry in Ruby
Guest post by Scout APM OpenTelemetry is enabling a revolution in how Observability data is collected and transmitted. See our What Is OpenTelemetry post on why this is an important inflection point in the Observability space. In this...
March 29, 2022