
CNCF Media Coverage
Forbes: "Microsoft expands role in cloud by joining Cloud Native Computing Foundation" July 31, 2017
Microsoft has been steadily expanding its relationship with and involvement in the cloud in recent years. Microsoft’s philosophy has evolved – somewhat rapidly – from a more or less Microsoft-centric approach to a broadly inclusive strategy...

CNCF Media Coverage
Cloud Tech News: "Microsoft joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation, launches new container service" July 27, 2017
Microsoft has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), a San Francisco-based organisation aiming at sustaining containers and microservices architectures, as a platinum member.

CNCF Media Coverage
DZone: "Free intro to Kubernetes course" July 15, 2017
The Linux Foundation & CNCF just introduced LFS158x – Introduction to Kubernetes, offered through edX.

CNCF Media Coverage
Geek Wire: "Chinese tech giant Alibaba joins key open-source cloud computing foundation" June 19, 2017
Kicking off a week in which it plans to encourage American businesses to invest in China, Alibaba Group announced plans to give something back to the cloud computing community: Alibaba Cloud is now a member of...

CNCF Media Coverage
GeekWire: "When standards aren’t standard: Inside a growing movement to shape the booming cloud industry" June 3, 2017
What’s the best way to shepherd the promising technologies underpinning a sea change in computing? The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is determined not to make the same mistakes as past tech industry standards-setting groups, favoring community...

CNCF Media Coverage
Container Journal: "CNCF aims to make Container Network Interface a standard" May 24, 2017
Container networking standards were advanced today following a unanimous decision by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to accept the Container Networking Interface (CNI) as one of the 10 container projects the consortium is committed to...

CNCF Media Coverage
The New Stack: "CNCF: Keep Texas open to our business" May 22, 2017
This December, our cloud computing organization will bring thousands of software developers and technology executives from around the world to the Austin Convention Center for our annual CloudNativeCon/KubeCon conference. However, this event and the millions of...

CNCF Media Coverage
Computer Weekly: "How to start building enterprise momentum for microservices" March 31, 2017
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is just a year old, but at the start of its second conference in Berlin, it unveiled a number of initiatives that aim to improve support for some of the...

CNCF Media Coverage
The New Stack: "CNCF accepts both Docker’s containerd and CoreOS’ rkt as Incubation Projects" March 31, 2017
In a unanimous voting process that concluded Wednesday during KubeCon in Berlin, The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Technical Oversight Committee approved Docker Inc.’s motion to donate containerd – the current incarnation of its core container runtime...