SiliconANGLE: "Docker open-sources its container core to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation"
March 16, 2017
Fulfilling a promise made last December, Docker Inc. on Wednesday donated containerd, a core piece of the Docker runtime engine, to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
SDxCentral: "Docker donates containerd to Cloud Native Computing Foundation"
March 16, 2017
Docker, Inc. plans to donate its containerd open source project to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Containerd is the core container runtime functionality – the bare-bones software – needed to create a Docker container. In...

eWeek: "Seven projects now hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation"
March 10, 2017
View slideshow here.
Enterprise Networking Planet: "CNCF adds CoreDNS as seventh hosted project"
March 4, 2017
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has accepted the CoreDNS networking project into its project roster. CoreDNS had been trying to become a hosted CNCF project since at least October 2016, though it’s first attempt was...
The New Stack: "CNCF to host CoreDNS, boosting its cloud-native portfolio with service discovery"
March 4, 2017
In the second signing just this week, the Cloud Native Computing Foundationofficially announced Thursday morning it is assuming stewardship of CoreDNS, a project born just a year ago from an idea to gut the insides of...
ServerWatch: "Cloud Native Computing Foundation adds Google gRPC project"
March 2, 2017
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) which itself is a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project, is expanding its roster of supported projects today with the addition of the gRPC project.
TechCrunch: "Google contributes its gRPC framework to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation"
March 2, 2017
Google today announced that it is donating gRPC, its high performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework, to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The CNCF is already the open-source home of the Google-incubated Kubernetes container orchestration...
Forbes: "gRPC – The protocol Of microservices joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation"
March 2, 2017
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that it is adding the gRPC open source protocol to its existing list of projects. The Technical Oversight Committee voted for gRPC, making it the sixth project managed by...
The New Stack: "CNCF rescues the Orphaned RethinkDB database from Copyleft Oblivion"
February 8, 2017
An open source database left orphaned after a company bankruptcy has found a new lease on life thanks to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The CNCF has purchased the source code and copyright to the...
ADT Mag: "After corporate failure, open source RethinkDB lives on under The Linux Foundation"
February 7, 2017
When his company that backed the open source NoSQL RethinkDB project failed commercially last October, co-founder Slava Akhmechet said: “We’re brainstorming together how to transition RethinkDB to a self-sustaining open source project … if there is...