The New Stack: “Why Flux Isn’t Dying after Weaveworks”
April 8, 2024
PARIS — Flux is not dying. The future of Flux as a leading open source GitOps platform for Kubernetes may have been in question among some following Weaveworks ending operations. But for those familiar with the project, there has been little concern about Flux’s future...
The New Stack: “The Open Source Market’s in Flux. How Can IT Managers Cope?”
April 8, 2024
PARIS — When the Cloud Native Computing Foundation announced new corporate support for FluxCD at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe last month, it seemed to illustrate just what the cloud native community could achieve when it put its mind to it.

Spiceworks: “Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon”
April 5, 2024
This year, Kubernetes, the cloud native technology on which most current applications, cloud services and major online platforms are based on, is turning ten. And unlike my tenth birthday, Kubernetes started its celebration off in great...

SiliconANGLE: “CNCF’s Notary Project evolves container signing for enhanced supply chain security”
March 29, 2024
The software supply chain can be challenging to maintain for companies across the chain, causing potential bottlenecks delaying software deployment, which can hurt businesses deeply in the long run.

InfoQ: “KubeCon EU Highlights: CloudEvents & Falco Graduate, Beta Tetragon , Linkerd Meshes Legacy Systems”
March 29, 2024
As highlighted at the recent KubeCon and CloudNatveiCon EU 2024 conference, the count of CNCF graduated projects has reached twenty-six, as Cloud Events and Falco joined the “boring, but safe project list”.

TechTarget: “Cybersecurity highlights from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe”
March 27, 2024
New AI features took the spotlight at the conference, but security teams must prepare to support AI use with the right policies, controls and access.

TechStrongTV: “CloudNativeHacks with Arun Gupta at KubeCon Paris 2024”
March 27, 2024
At KubeCon Paris 2024, Alan Shimel and Arun Gupta dive into CloudNativeHacks — the first ever hackathon by CNCF in collaboration with the United Nations. The primary purpose is on advancing the delivery of the UN...

The Stack: “How a platform focus helped Deutsche Bahn”
March 26, 2024
Following a race to the cloud by German railway operator Deutsche Bahn in 2016, it was the “grassroots” that ultimately fostered a platform engineering approach with Kubernetes at its heart as its sought to optimize its...

Linux Magazin: “CNCF schließt Partnerschaft mit Lernplattform Udemy”
March 26, 2024
Die Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hat bei der Kubecon + CloudNativeCon in Paris eine Partnerschaft mit der Schulungsplattform Udemy bekannt gegeben. Im Zuge der Partnerschaft soll Udemy Inhalte zur Unterstützung der CNCF-Zielgruppe von rund 233.000...

LeMagIT: “IA générative et Kubernetes : ces défis que l’écosystème doit relever”
March 25, 2024
La semaine dernière, la KubeCon parisienne a permis de mettre en lumière l’importance de Kubernetes dans l’émergence de l’IA générative… et des progrès que l’écosystème doit encore réaliser pour que l’orchestrateur de conteneurs réponde aux enjeux...