Techstrong TV: “CNCF’s Kubeflow incubation journey – Josh Bottum, Kubeflow”
August 3, 2023
Kubeflow is an open source, community-driven project for deploying and managing a Machine Learning (ML) stack on Kubernetes. The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Kubeflow as a CNCF incubating project. This discussion will...
CNBC: “Disclosing a disability in the workplace, as employers focus on creating a culture of inclusion”
July 25, 2023
Koch is also part of a new working group within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that seeks to encourage more deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to participate in open source efforts and become more visible within the community. The group is working...

ITOps Times: “ITOps Open-Source Project of the Week: Crio-O”
July 21, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has announced the graduation of the CRI-O project, which offers a reliable and high-performing implementation of the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) for the Kubelet.

Datanami: “Istio Now Ready for Primetime as Service Mesh”
July 15, 2023
Istio–the service mesh layer that standardizes observability, security, and traffic management for Kubernetes-based microservices environments–has graduated from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is ready for production usage, the CNCF announced this week.
SDxCentral: “Istio Service Mesh hits milestone (years after the open source project should have)”
July 12, 2023
The open source Istio service mesh project is hitting a major milestone today as it officially graduates to be a full project at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Istio describes a service mesh as “a dedicated infrastructure layer...

TechCrunch: “Istio graduates”
July 12, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today announced that Istio, the open source service mesh originally developed by Google and IBM and built on top of Lyft’s Envoy proxy, has graduated from its status as an incubating project and moved to...

Cloud Native Now: “Istio Service Mesh Officially Reaches CNCF Graduation Level”
July 12, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced today that the open source Istio service mesh, originally developed by Google and IBM, has now officially graduated to become a top-level project alongside Kubernetes and other cloud-native technologies that the...

CloudPro: “Is the Kubernetes security deficit widening?”
June 2, 2023
Kubernetes and containerization are surging in popularity but organizations are worrying over unaddressed cyber security risks

Futurum Research: “Kubecon 2023, Amsterdam: 10k Strong and Sold Out”
April 24, 2023
With over 10,000 in-person attendees, 58% of whom were new to the conference, and 2,000 on the waitlist to attend in person, KubeCon Europe 2023 reflects the rising importance of this new platform. It is not...

Silverlinings: “KubeCon: Five biggest trends from the Kubernetes love fest in Amsterdam”
April 24, 2023
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands – Was KubeCon Europe the biggest open-source conference ever, with over 12,000 attendees squeezing into Amsterdam’s RAI Convention Center? Maybe, Maybe not. Earlier FOSDEM conferences may have taken that crown.