The New Stack: “5 Trends to Watch for at KubeCon EU 2023”
March 28, 2023
There’s always a lot going on in the world of Kubernetes. But the eve of a big community gathering like KubeCon gives us the opportunity to take stock of how far we’ve come — and where...

Solutions Numériques: “La première édition de Kubernetes Community Days France sous le signe du succès”
March 8, 2023
Pour sa toute première édition, l’évènement Kubernetes Community Days France s’est tenu à Paris au Centre Pompidou le mardi 7 mars. Près de 1 000 participants se sont réunis pour une journée de conférences sur Kubernetes...
The New Stack: “2023 Hotness: Cloud IDEs, Web Assembly and SBOMs”
February 16, 2023
SEATTLE — Cloud IDEs are hot, but several other trends are taking shape in 2023 that Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s Chief Technology Officer Chris Aniszczyk highlights in this On the Road episode of The New Stack...

TechTarget: “Top takeaways from first CloudNativeSecurityCon”
February 15, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) early this month in Seattle hosted the first standalone CloudNativeSecurityCon (CNSCon) North America 2023. The event drew more than 800 attendees and offered 70 sessions. In her keynote, CNCF Executive Director...
The New Stack: “CloudNativeSecurityCon: Shifting Left into Security Trouble”
February 14, 2023
At the first CloudNativeSecurityCon here, the good news is that cloud native computing has made creating and delivering software faster than ever. The bad news is the security problems are coming just as fast. In the first keynote, Priyanka...

Forbes: “The path to cleaner clouds”
February 14, 2023
Cloud needs constant cleaning. Although not a cockroach repellent per se – but perhaps it could be if we think about the virtual nasties lurking on the dark web and throughout the ransomware universe – Expel...
The New Stack: “Why Kubernetes Has Emerged as the ‘OS’ of the Cloud”
February 13, 2023
Since the dawn of the computer age, IT has been defined by the operating systems (MS-DOS, Unix, Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) that quarterback them. New research has revealed that the main players and market shares...
SDxCentral: “CNCF Survey Shows Elevated Service Mesh, Serverless Adoption”
February 13, 2023
Adoption of cloud-native technologies like service mesh, serverless computing, function-as-a-service (FaaS), and service proxies rose dramatically this year, according to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) “2022 Annual Cloud Native Survey.”

ITOps Times: “CNCF Annual Survey reveals containers have become standard practice”
February 9, 2023
44% of organizations stated that they are already using containers for almost all of their applications and business segments while another 35% reported that containers are used for at least a few production applications.

TechTarget: “Why Wasm is the future of cloud-native app development”
February 8, 2023
The ever-changing landscape for underlying infrastructure will continue to grow, and applications must evolve and adapt to these dynamic shifts. Running secure, efficient and flexible custom logic is just one of the advantages of using WebAssembly...