
CNCF Media Coverage
SD Times: “SD Times news digest: CNCF moves LitmusChaos to incubator; Firefox 96; CircleCI’s free plan” January 11, 2022
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to approve LitmusChaos’ move from the CNCF Sandbox to Incubation level. 

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is a technological leader in advancing modern, dynamic environments, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. The foundation democratizes standards in cloud computing and hosts open-source, vendor-neutral projects. It promotes and enables the adoption of...

Virtualization & Cloud Review: “Report Details Huge Growth in Cloud-Native Tech, Led by Kubernetes”
Virtualization & Cloud Review: “Report Details Huge Growth in Cloud-Native Tech, Led by Kubernetes” January 4, 2022
For the third time, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has published a “State of Cloud Native Development Report” developed by research firm SlashData, showing huge growth in cloud-native tech.

VentureBeat: “30 startups that show how open source ate the world in 2021”
VentureBeat: “30 startups that show how open source ate the world in 2021” January 4, 2022
The rise of Kubernetes since Google open-sourced the project back in 2014 highlight’s a broader industry push toward containerized applications. This was a trend that continued into last year, with the recently-published State of Cloud Native Development report...

InfoQ: “Kubernetes 1.23 Released with Improved Events, gRPC Probes, and Support for Dual-Stack”
InfoQ: “Kubernetes 1.23 Released with Improved Events, gRPC Probes, and Support for Dual-Stack” December 31, 2021
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) released Kubernetes 1.23 recently. The release has new features such as the events subcommand for kubectl, gRPC probes, and expression language validation for custom resources, generally available or stable features such as generic ephemeral...

InfoWorld: “Kubernetes adoption up, serverless down, developer survey says”
InfoWorld: “Kubernetes adoption up, serverless down, developer survey says” December 22, 2021
The Kubernetes container orchestration system has gathered momentum among developers, but adoption of serverless architecture has ebbed, according to a report commissioned by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

The New Stack: “CNCF Prometheus Agent Could Be a ‘Game Changer’ for Edge”
The New Stack: “CNCF Prometheus Agent Could Be a ‘Game Changer’ for Edge” December 21, 2021
Prometheus’ creators have made significant changes to the scraping capabilities of one of the cornerstone Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)-supported projects. With this new capability, the agent mode optimizes Prometheus for remote write use cases.

VentureBeat: “The state of cloud-native development: Kubernetes is on the rise”
VentureBeat: “The state of cloud-native development: Kubernetes is on the rise” December 20, 2021
A new report shines a light on the latest trends in the cloud-native software development realm, with Kubernetes, in particular, showing signs that it’s only growing in popularity.

Container Journal: “Kubernetes Version 1.23 Eases Management Headaches”
Container Journal: “Kubernetes Version 1.23 Eases Management Headaches” December 13, 2021
Rey Lejano, a field engineer for SUSE who led the Kubernetes 1.23 release team, says the PodSpec.EphemeralContainer capability will simplify troubleshooting and debugging of Kubernetes pods within a cluster by making it easier to temporarily deploy IT management...

Cloud Native Startup: “Donating Your Open Source Project to CNCF with Ihor Dvoretskyi”
Cloud Native Startup: “Donating Your Open Source Project to CNCF with Ihor Dvoretskyi” December 10, 2021
This week on Cloud Native Startup, Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), joins me for a conversation about donating a project to CNCF. In this episode, we discuss the benefits of donating an open...