The Business of Cloud Native: “Collaboration and an Emphasis on Project Over Product with Open Telemetry”
February 25, 2022
Today’s episode is a round table with Morgan McClean, Ben Sigelman, and Alolita Sharma, the maintainers of Open Telemetry. Open Telemetry is a high-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability with a mission to...

Foss Force: “Finding Faults: CNCF Has Moved Chaos Mesh to Its Incubator”
February 25, 2022
When you’re a big enterprise with a cloud native infrastructure running on thousands of servers and from numerous clouds, nipping a problem in the bud isn’t good enough. Chaos Mesh can help you find an issue...

DevClass: “Break point: Cassandra, Elastic, GitHub, KubeOne, New Relic, and CNCF”
February 18, 2022
Users of Apache Cassandra who haven’t updated their systems in the last couple of days should consider an upgrade, as JFrog identified a high severity remote code execution issue in the database project. The vulnerability affects...

Container Journal: “CNCF: Rise in Emerging Open Source Tech on K8s”
February 17, 2022
A new report from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in collaboration with Datadog, New Relic and Slashdata finds a wider range of emerging open source technologies are being deployed on top of Kubernetes. The report,...

ITProToday: “Kubernetes Cloud Growth Continues to Expand Cloud-Native Adoption
February 16, 2022
Few trends in IT have been as pervasive in recent years as the dominance of cloud-native technologies including Kubernetes. In an attempt to quantify the current state of cloud-native technology adoption, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation...

RCR Wireless: “Kubernetes “crossed the chasm” in 2021 – survey”
February 16, 2022
Kubernetes is becoming an “under the hood,” every day enterprise technologyEnterprise use of containerized software and Kubernetes for cloud-native software development has gone mainstream. That’s the conclusion of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF’s) newest annual...
ZDNet: “CNCF reports record Kubernetes and container adoption”
February 11, 2022
A few years ago when Docker was new, we thought containers would finally be a big deal, but we weren’t sure. Fast forward to 2022, and there’s no longer any question about it. Docker sparked a...

SearchITOperations: “CNCF hosts WebAssembly server-side projects”
February 7, 2022
If WebAssembly is to make its way from edge computing to the core of enterprise data centers, its path will likely go through the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. In the last year, the Cloud Native Computing...
The New Stack: “A Kubernetes Documentary Shares Google’s Open Source Story”
February 6, 2022
It’s one of the great open source success stories — and it’s been condensed into a brief oral history. Honeypot.io, which touts itself as Europe’s largest tech-focused job platform, also offers a site of programmer-focused videos...
ZDNet: “Containers and Kubernetes underpin more edgy, artificial intelligence efforts”
January 31, 2022
Containers have become a key building block for some of today’s most sophisticated applications under development — from artificial intelligence to the edge. These encapsulated application units require orchestration, and Kubernetes is the vehicle being employed...