SearchITOperations: KEDA project adds finesse to Kubernetes autoscaling
August 19, 2021
A new take on Kubernetes autoscaling gained momentum this week with promotion from sandbox to incubation within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. To earn this promotion, Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) passed a Cloud Native Computing Foundation...
Container Journal: “Introduction to the Kubernetes Cluster API”
August 3, 2021
Kubernetes use has expanded across DevOps to help with orchestrating container environments. In 2021, 68% of IT professionals increased their Kubernetes use. But as Kubernetes use rises, the next step is figuring out how to efficiently...

IT Ops Times: “Linkerd becomes first service mesh to graduate CNCF”
August 3, 2021
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently announced the graduation of Linkerd, which was the first project to join the CNCF Sandbox. Linkerd now becomes the first service mesh project to achieve graduated status, which indicates...
The New Stack: “Linkerd Graduates CNCF with Focus on Simplicity”
August 2, 2021
The Linkerd service mesh, the first service mesh to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) back in 2017 as the foundation’s fifth project overall, has reached the graduated tier of the foundation.

SearchITOperations: “Linkerd service mesh plans expansion post-graduation”
July 28, 2021
The project known now as Linkerd is actually the second incarnation of a service mesh first launched in 2016, built on Java and used to orchestrate virtual machines. Linkerd’s creators, some of whom hailed from Twitter,...

ComputerWeekly: “From incubation-to-graduation: CNCF ‘graduates’ Linkerd service mesh”
July 28, 2021
To officially graduate from incubating status, Linkerd demonstrated the project maturity expected of a stable and well-established project, including rapidly-growing adoption and a commitment to a sustainable and inclusive community.
SDxCentral: “Linkerd Nabs CNCF Diploma, Counters Istio’s ‘Empty Calories’”
July 28, 2021
Linkerd hit graduation status at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), marking a significant milestone as the first service mesh to earn a diploma. It also adds much-needed stability to the service mesh space that has...
The New Stack: “CNCF Assesses Tools for Kubernetes Multicluster Management”
July 20, 2021
Once they have piloted Kubernetes, many organizations then want to scale up their K8s deployments, and run workloads across many clusters. But managing multiple clusters requires a new set of tools, ones that automate many routine...

DevClass: “Open Policy Agent 0.30 lands, irons out some kinks”
July 7, 2021
The team behind general-purpose policy engine Open Policy Agent (OPA) has pushed out version 0.30 (and 0.30.1 to make it run correctly) of the project, which should help provide a more secure setup and relax things...

Fast Company: “4 ways the coder community can help fix its diversity problem”
July 5, 2021
The business results are clear. Diverse and inclusive cultures provide companies with a competitive edge over their peers and deliver better results.