TechTarget: “CNCF projects hone multi-cluster Kubernetes management”
May 6, 2021
The next phase of development for Kubernetes and its related open source projects has become squarely focused on multi-cluster management.

Kubernetes Podcast: “Putting on a KubeCon, with Colleen Mickey”
May 6, 2021
A small army of community volunteers is necessary to host a KubeCon, but behind them is a professional events team. Colleen Mickey is Director of Event Services at the Linux Foundation and is responsible for KubeCon...

SiliconANGLE: “CERN boosts large-scale deployment of Kubernetes and machine learning to improve science”
May 5, 2021
Some of the questions that most intrigue humanity are undoubtedly related to the universe, how it works and what it is made of. And that is precisely what CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, tries...
The New Stack: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Confronts the Great App-Delivery Challenge”
May 5, 2021
Today, most Sandbox projects of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation fall under the broad categories of runtime and application delivery, reflecting how DevOps teams continue to seek ways to improve the developer and operations experience when...

SearchITOperations: “IT pros make a case for GitOps in IT governance”
May 4, 2021
GitOps is still an aspirational concept for most mainstream enterprises, but some IT pros in highly regulated industries believe it’s the best way to modernize IT governance. The term refers to a set of practices that...

SiliconANGLE: “Diversity, security and end-user contributions are focal points of KubeCon 2021”
May 4, 2021
Improving diversity in tech communities is an increasingly popular debate today, and it is no different in the open-source ecosystem. The topic is always at the forefront of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and one of...

DevClass: “Prometheus gets conformance program to certify compatibility”
May 4, 2021
The Prometheus project team will bring in the Prometheus Conformance Program with the aim of certifying compatibility between the open source monitoring tool and other software.

SearchITOperations: “IT pros make a case for GitOps in IT governance”
May 4, 2021
GitOps is still an aspirational concept for most mainstream enterprises, but some IT pros in highly regulated industries believe it’s the best way to modernize IT governance.

DevClass: “Prometheus gets conformance program to certify compatibility”
May 4, 2021
The Prometheus project team will bring in the Prometheus Conformance Program with the aim of certifying compatibility between the open source monitoring tool and other software.

ITOpsTimes: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021: Pixie joins CNCF, Red Hat rebrands StackRox, and more from day 1”
May 4, 2021
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 kicked off today and a number of companies at the event made announcements of updates to their Kubernetes solutions.