SiliconANGLE: “The CNCF mission to ‘get the code out there’ makes end users a priority at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021”
April 29, 2021
The pandemic has brought cloud native into the mainstream, accelerating the adoption of digital business across industries and in businesses from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores to global mega-corporations. It’s more than a surface change; companies that traditionally...

Built In: “7 Reasons to Get Serious About Your Open-Source Strategy”
April 20, 2021
Cheryl Hung, VP of ecosystem at Cloud Native Computing Foundation, heads up the foundation’s community of users and advises startups about their open-source strategies. Often, she told me, companies’ open-source programs are entirely bottom up, with...
TechBeacon: “4 cloud-native trends to watch at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe”
April 19, 2021
Cloud-native computing hit an impressive milestone in 2020, with record adoption of containers and accelerated overall growth in tools and technologies. Container adoption rose by 300%, resulting in almost total ubiquity in production environments; containers are...

ITOps Times: “Open-Source Project of the Week: CloudEvents”
April 16, 2021
CloudEvents is an open-source specification for describing event data. The project aims to simplify event declaration and delivery across services and platforms. It is currently still in active development under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
CNCF Adopts Ambassador’s API Gateway, Emissary Ingress
April 14, 2021
The Emissary Ingress open source ingress controller and API gateway for Kubernetes has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) at the incubation level this week.
Container Journal: “CNCF Launches Integrated API Gateway and Ingress Controller Project”
April 13, 2021
The technical oversight committee for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced today that an emissary-ingress gateway for application programming interfaces (APIs) and an ingress controller designed to run natively on Kubernetes, formerly known as Ambassador,...

New York Times: “‘Master,’ ‘Slave’ and the Fight Over Offensive Terms in Computing”
April 13, 2021
Anyone who joined a video call during the pandemic probably has a global volunteer organization called the Internet Engineering Task Force to thank for making the technology work.

TechGenix: “Top 6 open source networking projects for a cloud native world”
April 13, 2021
With the ever-growing popularity and advantages of cloud and containers, organizations are increasingly adopting cloud-native applications and container-based infrastructure for running their business applications. To efficiently manage cloud infrastructure, networking tools play an important role. Having...
DevOps.com: “11 Open Source DevOps Tools We Love For 2021”
April 12, 2021
DevOps isn’t just a cultural shift — it requires great tools to come to fruition. Below, we’ve pulled together a list of some of the most well-loved DevOps tools available today. But, throwing loads of money...
InfoQ: “Cheryl Hung on Trends in Cloud Native and DevOps for 2021”
April 11, 2021
In a recent keynote for The DEVOPS Conference, Cheryl Hung, VP Ecosystem for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) shared her top 10 predictions for cloud native in the upcoming year. This includes improvements in cross cloud support, growth in GitOps and...