InfoQ: “OpenTelemetry Specification Reaches 1.0 with Stability Guarantees and New Release Candidates”
March 7, 2021
The OpenTelemetry specification has been promoted to v1.0.0. This milestone includes improved stability and backwards compatibility guarantees as well as API and SDK release candidates available for a number of languages. With this release both the...

SearchITOperations: “Linkerd ‘opt-in,’ developer accessibility sway IT pros”
March 5, 2021
DevOps teams with Linkerd in production have bypassed the pain that plagues many Istio deployments. The service mesh architecture helps IT teams manage complex networks through a web of specialized code components called sidecar proxies. It...
The New Stack: “HashiCorp Vault Gets Top Honors in Latest CNCF Tech Radar User Survey”
March 4, 2021
HashiCorp Vault grabbed the top honors in the secrets management category in the latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Tech Radar report, which covers the “secrets management” tools. Cloud service providers’ built-in offerings are also popular...

SiliconANGLE: “OpenTelemetry attracts major enterprise interest in drive to set common observability standard”
March 1, 2021
Without traffic signals and signage, life would not be pleasant on local streets; motorists would drive in opposing lanes and chaos would ensue. A stop sign is a reliable standard; it means the same thing no...

InfoQ: “Experts Discuss Top Kubernetes Trends and Production Challenges”
February 26, 2021
The lead headline in the recent Cloud Native Computing (CNCF) survey states that the “use of containers in production has increased by 300% since 2016.” With this hyper-growth there comes challenges that users are grappling with,...

ITOps Times: “CNCF Technology Radar provides recommendations for tools for secrets management “
February 24, 2021
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has identified top secrets management tools and trends based on its latest end user CNCF Technology Radar, which focused on secrets management in cloud-native settings.

DevClass: “Vault for secret keeping? CNCF End User Technology Radar spots surprising interest “
February 24, 2021
The CNCF End User Community has released its fourth technology radar, this time scanning the tools and approaches to manage authentication credentials such as APIs, keys and tokens.

SiliconANGLE: “OPA’s graduation from CNCF signals growing interest in unified authorization solution”
February 10, 2021
Open Policy Agent is now officially a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s graduating class of 2021.

Forbes: “Why Enterprises Must Embrace The Most Recently Graduated CNCF Project – Open Policy Agent”
February 8, 2021
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation announced the Open Policy Agent project’s graduation to join the likes of mature cloud native projects, including Kubernetes, Helm and Prometheus.

ITOpsTimes: “Open Policy Agent graduates from CNCF”
February 8, 2021
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced that Open Policy Agent (OPA) is graduating. Graduation from the CNCF indicates that a project has shown “widespread adoption, an open governance process, feature maturity, and a strong...