
ComputerWeekly: “What to expect from Kubecon CloudNativeCon Europe 2024”
ComputerWeekly: “What to expect from Kubecon CloudNativeCon Europe 2024” February 20, 2024
The Computer Weekly Developer Network is off to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe taking place 19-22 March, in Paris, France. With developers joined by IT team leaders and a proportion of C-suite managers to make up the nearly 10,000 attendees all...

The New Stack: “CNCF-Approved Strimzi Eases Apache Kafka onto K8s Clusters”
The New Stack: “CNCF-Approved Strimzi Eases Apache Kafka onto K8s Clusters” February 14, 2024
A project to make Kafka easier to install on Kubernetes systems has been adopted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) as an incubating project.

SD Times: “ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Strimzi”
SD Times: “ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Strimzi” February 9, 2024
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Strimzi as a CNCF incubating project. 

Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Advances Strimzi Operator for Kafka on Kubernetes”
Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Advances Strimzi Operator for Kafka on Kubernetes” February 8, 2024
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced today that Strimzi, an open source project that provides an Operator that enables IT teams to declaratively deploy Apache Kafka messaging software on Kubernetes clusters, has become an incubation-level project.

Le Monde Informatique: “La Kubecon Europe attendue à Paris en mars”
Le Monde Informatique: “La Kubecon Europe attendue à Paris en mars” February 7, 2024
La prochaine conférence KubeCon + CloudNativeCon de la CNCF se tiendra à Paris du 19 au 22 mars prochain. Au menu : sessions techniques, démonstrations et retours d’expérience sur des thèmes variés allant de l’IA générative à la...

Le Mag IT: “Cloud & open source : la CNCF tend la main aux « utilisateurs finaux »”
Le Mag IT: “Cloud & open source : la CNCF tend la main aux « utilisateurs finaux »” February 7, 2024
La Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) tente de mieux accompagner les équipes IT et de développement dans l’adoption des frameworks open source établis, tels que Kubernetes, Prometheus ou Argo. Il s’agit par ailleurs d’attirer davantage d’entreprises qui pourraient...

TFIR: “CNCF Announces Graduation of CloudEvents”
TFIR: “CNCF Announces Graduation of CloudEvents” January 29, 2024
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), has announced the graduation of CloudEvents. CloudEvents is a specification for exposing event metadata in a common way to provide interoperability across services, platforms, and systems.

ITOps Times: “Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces CloudEvents graduation”
ITOps Times: “Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces CloudEvents graduation” January 25, 2024
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently announced the graduation of CloudEvents, a project designed to standardize event metadata for improved interoperability across various services, platforms, and systems.

The New Stack: “CNCF CloudEvents: A Li’l Message Envelope That Travels Far”
The New Stack: “CNCF CloudEvents: A Li’l Message Envelope That Travels Far” January 2, 2024
Event-drive architectures did not require new messaging systems for their services to interoperate; They just needed little envelopes to pass all the metadata around on top of existing messaging systems This was the brilliance behind the open source project CloudEvents.

ITOps Times: “Kubecost 2.0 launched with Kubernetes network monitoring, cost center reporting, and more”
ITOps Times: “Kubecost 2.0 launched with Kubernetes network monitoring, cost center reporting, and more” January 1, 2024
The Kubecost 2.0 update brings new tools and features aimed at simplifying and improving the management of Kubernetes-related cloud costs, especially for large enterprises and in complex, multi-cloud settings. Kubecost is a cloud-agnostic tool for Kubernetes cost monitoring...