The Register: “K8s celebrates KuberTENes: A decade of working together”
June 21, 2024
In 2014, Google released Kubernetes, an open source cluster management system that takes its name from the Greek word for “helmsman” or “pilot.”
The New Stack: “A Chat With CloudNativeSecurityCon North America 2024 Co-chairs”
June 17, 2024
Conference leaders share their thoughts on the latest trends and challenges in cloud native security, and the sessions they are most looking forward to.

TechZine: “Orchestration nation: 10 years of Kubernetes”
June 10, 2024
The open source container orchestration technology Kubernetes is 10 years old this month. Kubernetes automates the deployment, management and scaling of containerised software applications and services. Given the passing of this perhaps seminal moment in cloud computing space...

ZDNet: “Kubernetes a 10 ans : comment il s’est imposé dans le monde du cloud-native, et ce qui l’attend”
June 6, 2024
Si vous supprimez Linux, le cloud, les conteneurs ou Kubernetes, vous ne reconnaîtrez plus le monde technologique d’aujourd’hui. Linux est le système d’exploitation sur lequel repose tout cela. Le cloud nous donne accès à toutes ses applications...

ZDNet: “Kubernetes a 10 ans : comment il s’est imposé dans le monde du cloud-native, et ce qui l’attend”
June 6, 2024
Comme Linux, Kubernetes témoigne de la puissance de la collaboration et de l’innovation en matière de logiciels libres. Et nul ne peut s’en passer aujourd’hui.
Heise: “10 Jahre Kubernetes – das Streitgespräch zur Open-Source-Erfolgsgeschichte”
June 6, 2024
Das Open-Source-Projekt hat sich als De-facto-Standard für Containerorchestrierung etabliert. Aber ist Kubernetes die einzige Lösung? Und wo geht die Reise hin?

ZDNet: “Kubernetes turns 10: How it steered cloud-native computing for the last decade – and what’s next”
June 5, 2024
Like Linux, Kubernetes is a testament to the power of open-source collaboration and innovation. How would we manage without it?
The New Stack: “Kubernetes 1.30 Gets Better at Naming Things”
May 6, 2024
Passport, please! Following public word of a container leakage last January, the release of Kubernetes 1.30 offers a few more security checkpoints, tightening up the permissions and access controls. No longer will errant processes be able...

The Next Web: “As Kubernetes turns 10, experts predict the future of cloud-native”
May 2, 2024
What’s the future of cloud-native? We visited KubeCon EU to find out
The New Stack: “WebAssembly Adoption: It’s Complicated, Says CNCF Survey”
May 1, 2024
WebAssembly has traveled a rocky road to adoption in its seven years of existence, especially given its promise of “build once, run anywhere.” A new survey from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation unpacks some of the reasons why the...