
在本网络研讨会中,Harbor的核心维护人员Steven Zou将带您逐步了解运行自己的注册表的好处,并重点介绍一些可让您使用第三方可插拔扫描仪扩展Harbor的新功能。此外,他还将向您展示Harbor的扫描功能将如何增强合规性并让您免于易受攻击的软件包的影响,帮助您自信从容地部署云原生应用。

This webinar was delivered in Chinese

Gain Confidence in Compliance: Advanced Image Scanning with Harbor

Harbor is an open source container image registry that secures images with role-based access control, scans images for vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted. A CNCF Incubating project, Harbor delivers compliance, performance, and interoperability to help you consistently and securely manage images across cloud native compute platforms like Kubernetes and Docker.

In this webinar, Harbor Core Maintainer Steven Zou will walk you through the benefits of running your own registry, concentrating on some of the new functionality that lets you extend Harbor with pluggable third-party scanners. Steven will show you how to deploy cloud native apps with the confidence that Harbor’s scanning abilities help enforce compliance and protect you from vulnerable packages.