As workloads move from legacy infrastructure to Kubernetes platforms, routing traffic from outside into Kubernetes can be confusing. The concept of using “Kubernetes Ingress” has solved a lot of challenges, as well as running Kubernetes on cloud native platforms such as AWS, Azure or GCE. Yet, it takes time to correctly implement the edge routing, depending on your topology.
This webinar will describe different patterns for deploying an external load balancer through a recurring requirement–preserving the source IP address of incoming requests for different Kubernetes deployments from bare metal to cloud native managed.
The expected takeaways are:
- Better understanding of the network model around Ingress in Kubernetes
- Contextual awareness of different patterns for external load balancers in Kubernetes
- Increased depth of understanding from two live demos, including one with bare metal cluster, and one of load balancing with an Ingress Controller
Presenter: Damien Duportal, Traefik’s Developer Advocate @Containous