Search results for: flux

Verify the integrity of the Helm Charts stored in OCI-compliant registries as OCI artifacts

Posted on November 24, 2022 | By Flux maintainers

Guest post originally published on Flux’ blog Cosign integration was one of the most important features we shipped in the Flux v0.35 release. After that, we wrote a blog post which explains how to use the feature with OCIRepository resources which enables fetching…

Prove the authenticity of OCI artifacts

Posted on October 31, 2022

Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog Software supply chain attacks are one of the most critical risks threatening today’s software and have begun to collapse like a dark cloud over the software industry. For the Flux family…

Kyverno 1.8 released

Posted on October 24, 2022 | By Kyverno

Cross-post from the Kyverno blog Following on the heels of the 1.7 release of Kyverno, the Kyverno team is proud to present version 1.8 which is another huge leap forward not just in terms of features and functionality…

GitOps without leaving your IDE

Posted on October 13, 2022 | By juozasg and Daniel Holbach

Project post originally posted on the Flux blog by juozasg and Daniel Holbach Welcome to the second blog post in our Flux Ecosystem category! This time we are talking about one of the Flux UIs: it’s the VS Code GitOps Extension….

What’s new at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in the Motor City. Or is it Motown? Or the Paris of the Midwest?

Posted on October 12, 2022

It’s all these and more, as the world’s biggest events in open-cloud and container-based development descend on Detroit – a city known by many names and renowned for its pioneering spirit. The event packs in five days of…

An introduction to GitOps and Argo

Posted on September 30, 2022 | By Charles Mahler

Guest post originally published on the InfluxData blog by Charles Mahler In an ideal world, developers would be able to release new products and features from development environments into production extremely fast while also not having to stress…

How to GitOps your Terraform

Posted on September 30, 2022 | By Priyanka Ravi and Daniel Holbach

Project post originally published on the Flux Blog by Priyanka Ravi and Daniel Holbach This is the first blog post in a series where we want to shine a light on projects in the Flux Ecosystem. This time it’s…

Karmada and Open Cluster Management: two new approaches to the multicluster fleet management challenge

Posted on September 26, 2022 | By David Eads + Kevin Wang

Guest post from Huawei by David Eads (@deads2k), Kevin Wang (@kevin-wangzefeng) Current users will know that KubeFed was an early answer to the issue of centralized management of multiple Kubernetes clusters– but as community engagement has slowed with…

Managing Kyverno policies as OCI Artifacts with OCIRepository sources

Posted on September 19, 2022

Project post originally published on the Flux blog The Flux team has released a new version of Flux  v0.32 that includes fantastic features. One of them is OCI Repositories feature that allows us to store and distribute a wide variety of sources…

An introduction to OpenTelemetry and observability

Posted on September 12, 2022 | By Charles Mahler

Guest post originally published on the InfluxData blog by Charles Mahler Cloud native and microservice architectures bring many advantages in terms of performance, scalability, and reliability, but one thing they can also bring is complexity. Having requests move between…