Search results for: etcd

CNCF joins Google Summer of Code 2018 with projects Envoy Proxy, Containerd, CoreDNS, Prometheus, Kubernetes, and Rook

Posted on June 22, 2018

Since 2005, the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program has accepted thousands of university students from around the world to spend their summer holiday writing code and learning about the open source community. This year GSoC accepted 1,264 students from 62 countries into…

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU recap: Particle accelerators, operators and legos, Oh my!

Posted on May 11, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

More than 4,300 people gathered in Copenhagen May 2-4 for the biggest KubeCon + CloudNativeCon yet. Over three-plus days, attendees were engaged in more than 300 sessions, including four rounds of keynote addresses. Here are some highlights from…

Prometheus user profile: Scalefastr

Posted on April 23, 2018

By Brian Brazil. Originally posted on Continuing our series of interviews with users of Prometheus, Kevin Burton from Scalefastr talks about how they are using Prometheus. For more on Prometheus, consider attending KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU, May 2-4, 2018 in…

Joe Beda explains some of the inner workings of Kubernetes

Posted on November 7, 2017

In this blog series originally posted on Heptio, Joe Beda (CTO of Heptio and starter of Google Compute Engine, Kubernetes and Google Container Engine) dives into some of the inner workings of Kubernetes. Meet Joe Beda in-person and…

kubeadm v1.8 released: Introducing easy upgrades for Kubernetes clusters

Posted on November 7, 2017 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Editor’s note: this post is part of a series of in-depth articles on what’s new in Kubernetes 1.8 Since its debut in September 2016, the Cluster Lifecycle Special Interest Group (SIG) has established kubeadm as the easiest Kubernetes bootstrap method. Now,…

Kubernetes 1.8: security, workloads and feature depth

Posted on October 12, 2017

Editor’s note: today’s post is by Aparna Sinha, Group Product Manager, Kubernetes, Google; Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate, CNCF; Jaice Singer DuMars, Kubernetes Ambassador, Microsoft; and Caleb Miles, Technical Program Manager, CoreOS on the latest release of Kubernetes 1.8….

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces first Kubernetes certified service providers

Posted on September 11, 2017

As Kubernetes Ecosystem Matures, Founding Class of KCSPs Offers Skills and Expertise Needed to Achieve Success with Kubernetes LOS ANGELES – September 11, 2017 – Open Source Summit – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which is sustaining…

Wink: Connecting your smart home using cloud native infrastructure

Posted on July 26, 2017 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

How many people does it take to turn on a light bulb? Kit Klein whips out his phone to demonstrate. With a few swipes, Wink Head of Engineering officer pulls up the smart-home app created by his New…

Prometheus user profile: Compose explains their monitoring journey from Graphite + InfluxDB to Prometheus

Posted on May 26, 2017 | By Kristen Evans

Compose is a fully-managed platform used by developers to deploy, host and scale databases. Its platform streamlines spinning up and managing MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, RethinkDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, RabbitMQ and etcd databases – both for single developers hacking away…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation becomes steward of service naming and discovery project CoreDNS

Posted on March 2, 2017 | By Natasha Woods

The CNCF’s Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) recently voted CoreDNS into the CNCF portfolio of projects. CoreDNS, a fast, flexible and modern DNS server, joins a growing number of projects integral to the adoption of cloud native computing. CoreDNS was voted in as an inception…