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6 open source projects to boost your cloud-native API management game

Posted on May 24, 2023 | By Sonja Chevre + Ahmet Soormally

Guest post originally published on Tyk’s blog by Sonja Chevre and Ahmet Soormally We were very excited to be invited as speakers at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s KubeCon+CloudNativeCon in Amsterdam this year!  Our KubeCon special edition stickers were…

Modernize legacy applications to Kubernetes at scale

Posted on May 23, 2023 | By Savitha Raghunathan and John Matthews

Guest post by Savitha Raghunathan, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat and John Matthews, Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat Konveyor 0.1 is now available to help modernize legacy Java applications to Kubernetes. The Konveyor team is…

Kyverno — verify Kubernetes control plane images

Posted on May 1, 2023 | By Charles-Edouard Brétéché

Guest post originally published on Medium by Charles-Edouard Brétéché In this story we are going to deploy a local Kubernetes cluster using kind, then we will deploy Kyverno and use it to verify Kubernetes control plane images signature. What is Kyverno ? Kyverno is an open-source policy engine for Kubernetes that allows you to…

CNCF fuzzing open source projects for security and reliability

Posted on April 18, 2023

By Chris Aniszczyk, Adam Korczynski, David Korczynski Introduction In this blog post we will present an overview of the state of fuzzing CNCF projects. We published a blog post on this in June 2022 titled Improving Security by…

Introducing Cloud Native Explorers: Amsterdam! 

Posted on April 17, 2023

By the Cloud Native Explorers Building on the success of “Bob and Jeefy’s Guide to Detroit”, we are pleased to announce Cloud Native Explorers! Cloud Native Explorers is a new blog series where we bring together community members…

Top 5 GitOps sessions you don’t want to miss at cdCon + GitOpsCon 2023 (May 8-9 in Vancouver)!

Posted on April 14, 2023

In modern tech stacks, CI/CD enables GitOps. With so many organizations using CD and GitOps practices and technologies to build new features quickly, reliably, and securely, it was a natural evolution for the CNCF and CD Foundation to…

Flux: March 2023 Update

Posted on April 14, 2023

Project post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are…

Announcing a white paper on Platforms for Cloud Native Computing

Posted on April 11, 2023 | By Josh Gavant + Abby Bangser

Community post by Josh Gavant and Abby Bangser, CNCF’s Platforms WG CNCF’s Platforms working group (WG) is pleased to announce the first release of a whitepaper to provide guidance and clarity on the nature and benefits of platforms…

The longest-running Kubernetes Community Days is back!

Posted on April 11, 2023

Guest post by Alessandro Vozza, Andy Repton, Andrea Giardini, Ayodeji Ogundare, Marcel Kerker, Meg Stefouli, Pablo Musa, and William Rizzo This is a story about community, resilience, grit, and friendship. The Netherlands is a small country with about…

Outlining the structure of your open source software project

Posted on April 3, 2023

Community post by Leonard Pahlke There are numerous ways to start your open source project. You may already have a working product, a team behind it, proper documentation and guides, or you may just have an idea and…