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Congratulations to the 27 Summer LFX Program CNCF interns! 

Posted on October 3, 2022

After an exciting Spring term, 36 interns have graduated from the latest LFX mentorship program funded by CNCF! 15 of CNCF’s Graduated, Incubating, and Sandbox projects joined this round with projects including Chaos Mesh, Kubernetes, KubeEdge and Pixie. …

LitmusChaos August 2022 update

Posted on September 20, 2022

As promised, we are back with another edition of monthly updates from the LitmusChaos community. With the growth of the Chaos Engineering community as well as the LitmusChaos community, we appreciate this massive participation and immense engagement and…

Managing Kyverno policies as OCI Artifacts with OCIRepository sources

Posted on September 19, 2022

Project post originally published on the Flux blog The Flux team has released a new version of Flux  v0.32 that includes fantastic features. One of them is OCI Repositories feature that allows us to store and distribute a wide variety of sources…

10 critical Kubernetes tools and how to debug them

Posted on September 15, 2022

Guest post originally published on the Rookout blog by Gedalyah Reback, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Rookout Kubernetes is both revolutionary and “diffusionary.” It is a complete restructuring demanding a whole new slew of companion and support tools…

Protect the pipe! Secure CI/CD pipelines with a policy-based approach using Tekton and Kyverno

Posted on September 14, 2022 | By Jim Bugwadia + Shripad Nadgowda

Guest post originally published on the Nirmata blog by Jim Bugwadia of Nirmata and Shripad Nadgowda a Cloud Architect at Intel Rise of software supply chain attacks In the last few years there has been a sharp rise…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Continues Significant Membership Growth, Highlighting Ubiquity of Cloud Native Technology

Posted on September 13, 2022

More than 65 organizations across the world join CNCF’s 800+ members to drive cloud native innovation across industries San Francisco, CA – September 13, 2022 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud…

How OpenTelemetry works under the hood in JavaScript

Posted on September 7, 2022

Guest post originally published on the Helios blog by Ran Nozik OpenTelemetry (OTel) is an open source selection of tools, SDKs and APIs, that allows developers to collect and export traces, metrics and logs. It’s the second-most active project…

Kubernetes version 1.25 – everything you should know

Posted on September 2, 2022 | By Amir Kaushansky

Guest post originally published on the ARMO blog by Amir Kaushansky Kubernetes’ new version – version 1.25 – will be released on Tuesday 23rd August 2022, and it comes with 40 new enhancements in various areas and numerous…

Writing your own scheduler with kube-scheduler-simulator

Posted on August 24, 2022

Guest post originally published on the Miraxia blog As the default Kubernetes scheduler is highly configurable, in many cases we don’t have to write any code to customize thescheduling behavior. However, people who want to learn how the…

Cloud native community donates $21,000+ to Ukraine

Posted on August 19, 2022

The humanitarian crisis unfolding since the invasion of Ukraine has shocked the world. The global cloud native community is rallying to support Ukraine and our friends, family, and colleagues whose lives have been forever changed.  CNCF senior developer…