Search results for: etcd

Open sourcing the etcd Security Audit

Posted on August 5, 2020

Guest post from Sahdev Zala and Xiang Li, maintainers for etcd We are proud to announce that the etcd team has successfully completed a 3rd party security audit for the etcd latest major release 3.4. The third party…

Performance optimization of etcd in web scale data scenario

Posted on May 9, 2019

By Xingyu Chen, Software Engineer at Alibaba Cloud Abstract etcd is an open source distributed kv storage system that has recently been listed as a sandbox incubation project by CNCF. etcd is widely used in many distributed systems….

SDxCentral: "Etcd joins CNCF’s growing cache of open source projects"

Posted on December 11, 2018

That list’s newest member was added today as etcd slid under that umbrella as an Incubating project. Etcd is the primary storage location for Kubernetes and needs to be established before Kubernetes can be run on a system.

CNCF to host etcd

Posted on December 11, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept etcd as an incubation-level hosted project from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Seattle. etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to…

A step-by-step guide to securely upgrading your EKS clusters

Posted on May 13, 2024 | By Stevie Caldwell

Member post originally published on Fairwinds’s blog by Stevie Caldwell As an agile open source project, Kubernetes continues to evolve, as does the cloud computing landscape. Keeping up with the latest versions isn’t practical for many organizations, and…

Kyverno 1.12 released

Posted on May 10, 2024

Project post originally published on Kyverno’s blog Kyverno 1.12 released with new alternative report server, Global Context Entry, Kyverno JSON in CLI, performance optimizations, enhanced ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and PolicyException support, and tons more! The Kyverno team is thrilled to…

Early explorations and practices of Xline, a stateful application managed by Karmada

Posted on May 2, 2024

Member post by DatenLord Background and Motivation More and more IT vendors are now embracing cross-cloud multi-clustering as cloud-native technologies and cloud markets continue to mature. Here’s Flexera’s mid-2023 survey on the cloud-native market’s acceptance of multi-cloud, multi-cluster…

Membership change source code interpretation

Posted on April 4, 2024 | By DatenLord

Member post originally published on Medium by DatenLord Background In distributed system application scenarios, it is inevitable to add or delete nodes or replace nodes, the simplest solution is to temporarily shut down the cluster, then directly modify…

Analysis of Xline Jepsen tests

Posted on February 19, 2024 | By DatenLord

Member post by DatenLord Table of Contents Abstract In this article, we will mainly introduce the application of Jepsen in the testing of a distributed KV storage Xline. This includes an introduction to the chaos engineering framework Jepsen,…

Cloud native disaster recovery for stateful workloads

Posted on February 15, 2024

TAG post originally published on Github by TAG Storage NOTE: this document is available via this link:  Introduction The purpose of this document is to introduce a new way of thinking about disaster recovery in a cloud…