Search results for: xline

The Introduction to the CURP Protocol

Posted on September 20, 2023 | By DatenLord

Member post by DatenLord Xline is an open source distributed KV storage engine, its core purpose is to achieve high-performance strong consistency across data centers, providing cross-data center metadata management. So how does Xline achieve this high-performance strong…

Database Isolation Levels and MVCC

Posted on May 16, 2023 | By Datenlord

Database Isolation Levels and MVCC

Thinking about programs from a mathematical perspective to verify their correctness

Posted on March 8, 2023 | By Tian Ye

Guest post by Tian Ye of DatenLord The purpose of this article is to provide readers who have not been exposed to formal methods with a new perspective on computer systems and algorithms, rather than formal methods or…

CURP – revisit the consensus protocol

Posted on January 25, 2023 | By Shi Jicheng

Guest post by Shi Jicheng, CTO, DatenLord Introduction of consensus Consensus protocol is a protocol to keep the information consistent and durable in multiple servers, and the property is kept even if some servers fail. When we talk…