Search results for: kubernetes

CNCF to host the SPIFFE Project

Posted on March 29, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation accepted SPIFFE into the CNCF Sandbox, a home for early stage and evolving cloud native projects. Also known as the Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone, the SPIFFE project is an open-source…

Light Reading: "ONAP, CNCF come together on Containers"

Posted on March 27, 2018

ONAP and Kubernetes, two of the fastest growing and in demand open source projects, are coming together at Open Networking Summit this week. To ensure ONAP runs on Kubernetes in any environment, ONAP is now a part of…

CNCF launches Cross-Cloud CI Project & Adds ONAP networking project to dashboard overview

Posted on March 27, 2018 | By Sarah Conway

CNCF Demos Kubernetes Enabling ONAP Running On Any Public, Private, or Hybrid Cloud at Open Networking Summit This Week To ensure CNCF projects work across all cloud providers, the CNCF CI Working Group has been working on the Cross-cloud CI…

CNCF survey: China is going native with cloud

Posted on March 26, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

By Swapnil Bhartiya, Founder & Writer at TFiR: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Swapnil is a journalist and writer who has been covering Linux & Open Source for 10 years. He is also a science fiction writer whose stories have…

CNCF to host NATS

Posted on March 15, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept NATS as an incubation-level hosted project, alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd, gRPC, CoreDNS, containerd, rkt, CNI, Envoy, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Rook and Vitess….

Introducing the Cloud Native Landscape 2.0 – interactive edition

Posted on March 8, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

Started a little over a year ago, the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended to be a resource map to help enterprises and developers through the previously uncharted terrain of cloud native technologies. Through the power of…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation reaches 178 members

Posted on March 6, 2018

Foundation welcomes 24 new members to further accelerate cloud native computing SONOMA, Calif., March 6, 2018 – Open Source Leadership Summit – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains and integrates open source technologies like Kubernetes® and…

SDxCentral: "Vodafone finds containers drastically more efficient than VMs"

Posted on March 2, 2018

Telecommunications giant Vodafone Group has seen some significant efficiency gains by going smaller in terms of its cloud application management. Fran Heeran, head of network virtualization, software-defined networking (SDN), and network functions virtualization (NFV) at Vodafone, said the…

Computer Business Review: "Top 5 open source projects for 2018"

Posted on February 22, 2018

Kubernetes is an open source system designed for the automation of deployment, the management of containerised applications. With the seed sewn by Google, the system is now under the watchful eye of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. .

Huawei’s container and cloud native journey – As a user, vendor and contributor

Posted on February 20, 2018 | By Sarah Conway

Huawei is one of the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturers in the world. It has eight data centers for its internal I.T. department, which run 800+ applications in 100K+ VMs to serve 180,000 employee users. Huawei recently turned to…