DevClass: “Worth-the-wait K8s? Kubernetes 1.19 lands, giving admins time to slow down”
DevClass: “Worth-the-wait K8s? Kubernetes 1.19 lands, giving admins time to slow down”
After a slightly prolonged development circle, the Kubernetes project has emitted version 1.19 of the system for managing containerised applications.
August 27, 2020

A look back at our FIRST KubeCon + CloudNativeCon virtual conference
Staff Post A look back at our FIRST KubeCon + CloudNativeCon virtual conference
The first virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon just wrapped up and it was a huge success thanks to our amazing community of doers – builders, operators and advocates. We are so thrilled that the cloud native community...
August 26, 2020

Why do DevOps engineers love Helm?
Member Post Why do DevOps engineers love Helm?
Guest post originally published on the Nirmata blog by Spruha Pandya The adoption of microservices architecture has revolutionized the way applications are developed today. As the microservices architecture replaced the monolithic architecture, containers replaced VMs. However,...
August 26, 2020 | Spruha Pandya

Storage Review: “Kubernetes 1.19 released”
Storage Review: “Kubernetes 1.19 released”
Today, the Kubernetes team officially released version 1.19 of the most popular open-source container-orchestration system. The 1.19 release boasts 34 enhancements despite the disruption caused by COVID-19. 9 of the enhancements are Alpha enhancements, 15 are...
August 26, 2020

Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.19 arrives, a tad later than usual”
Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.19 arrives, a tad later than usual”
The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes tomorrow plans to release version 1.19 of the platform that, in addition to adding debugging and storage management tools, brings closure to some capabilities that have been under development...
August 26, 2020

IT Ops Times: “Kubernetes 1.19 is now available”
IT Ops Times: “Kubernetes 1.19 is now available”
The latest release of Kubernetes is now available. Kubernetes 1.19 is the second Kubernetes release of the year. According to the team, the gap between Kubernetes 1.18 and 1.19 was the largest of any two Kubernetes...
August 26, 2020

The New Stack: “Kubernetes 1.19 brings fully mature Ingress, secure computing mode”
The New Stack: “Kubernetes 1.19 brings fully mature Ingress, secure computing mode”
Although the release of Kubernetes’ most recent version was a bit delayed, the Kubernetes release team just introduced Kubernetes version 1.19, with several updates that enhance the production readiness of Kubernetes. These improvements include the general availability of...
August 26, 2020

Harbor is extending its reach with key image distribution features and support for Machine Learning artifacts
Project Post Harbor is extending its reach with key image distribution features and support for Machine Learning artifacts
By the Harbor team, originally posted on the Harbor blog On the heels of the announcement that Harbor is now a Graduated project in CNCF, the team is preparing for another big event—the upcoming release of Harbor...
August 25, 2020

Enforce pod security policies in Kubernetes using OPA
Member Post Enforce pod security policies in Kubernetes using OPA
Guest post originally published on the Magalix blog by Mohamed Ahmed In this article, we’re going to demonstrate how you can enforce the most fine-grained security policies using OPA. Notice that this article is part of a series...
August 25, 2020 | Mohamed Ahmed

The New Stack: "KubeCon EU: Envoy looks to WebAssembly to extend microservices monitoring"
The New Stack: "KubeCon EU: Envoy looks to WebAssembly to extend microservices monitoring"
Envoy is an open-source network proxy that runs alongside applications to provide them with common features in a platform-agnostic manner. Envoy contributor and Software Engineer at, Yaroslav Skopets offered up at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe,...
August 24, 2020