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Solving customer related problems with R&D

Posted on May 17, 2021 | By Dudi Cohen

Guest post originally published on Rookout’s blog by Dudi Cohen, VP of Research and Development at Rookout As an R&D manager, there are many things on my mind that keep me up at night. These thoughts range anywhere…

Flux: May 2021 update

Posted on May 12, 2021 | By Daniel Holbach

Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog by Daniel Holbach Flux v2 has its first anniversary and reaches the 0.13 milestone, Alison joins maintainers, new guides and use-cases docs, upcoming events (yes we’ll be at KubeCon!) and general…

Introducing fuzz testing for Linkerd

Posted on May 11, 2021 | By William Morgan

Project post originally published on the Linkerd blog by William Morgan Over the past few months, the team at Ada Logics has been hard at work introducing fuzz testing to Linkerd’s Rust proxy. These fuzz tests now run continuously on Linkerd…

Getting started with Kuma service mesh

Posted on April 28, 2021 | By Marco Palladino

Guest post originally published on the Kong blog by Marco Palladino Kuma is an open source, CNCF service mesh that supports every environment, including Kubernetes and virtual machines. In this Kuma service mesh tutorial, I will show you how easy it is…

Fluid: An important piece for big data and AI to embrace cloud native

Posted on April 27, 2021 | By Gu Rong, Che Yang, and Fan Bin

Guest post originally published on Alibaba Cloud’s blog by Gu Rong, Che Yang, and Fan Bin In recent years, more and more AI and big data applications are being deployed and run on cloud-native orchestration frameworks such as…

Non-breaking breakpoints: the evolution of debugging

Posted on April 21, 2021 | By Noa Goldman

Guest post originally posted on the Rookout blog by Noa Goldman Since the beginning of time, back to before humans invented fire, there were two traditional ways to debug applications: one way -after having invented hieroglyphics, of course…

Add Java agents to existing Kubernetes and Helm applications instantly

Posted on April 9, 2021 | By Liran Haimovich

Guest post originally published on Rookout’s blog by Liran Haimovich In a recent blog post, one of my teammates, Josh, shared a few techniques for deploying Java agents in Kubernetes applications. We have been getting a lot of interest…

End to end cloud native app builds and deployments with App Platform

Posted on April 7, 2021 | By Jon Friesen, Nick Tate, and Cody Baker

Guest post by Jon Friesen, Nick Tate, and Cody Baker of DigitalOcean We love Kubernetes and all it can do. We want all developers to benefit from it, so we decided to build a higher-level abstraction on top…

Benchmarking and Evaluating Your Kubernetes Storage with Kubestr

Posted on April 1, 2021 | By Michael Cade

Guest post originally published on the Kasten 10 Blog by Michael Cade Kubestr is an open source collection of tools that makes it fast and easy to identify, validate and evaluate your Kubernetes storage options. Before we get…

Add Java Agents to Existing Kubernetes and Helm Applications Instantly

Posted on March 24, 2021 | By Liran Haimovich

Guest post originally published on the Rookout Blog by Liran Haimovich In a recent blog post, one of my teammates, Josh, shared a few techniques for deploying Java agents in Kubernetes applications. We have been getting a lot of…