Search results for: argo

Implementing GitOps on Kubernetes Using K3s, Rancher, Vault and Argo CD

Posted on November 12, 2020 | By Adam Toy

Originally published on Rancher Federal by Adam Toy As Kubernetes continues to establish itself as the industry standard for container orchestration, finding effective ways to use a declarative model for your applications and tools is critical to success….

Automating Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Config With Argo CD

Posted on October 9, 2020 | By Mike Sparr

Guest post originally published on DoiT’s blog by Mike Sparr, Sr Cloud Architect at DoiT International One of the coolest aspects of Google’s Anthos enterprise solution in my opinion is Anthos Config Management (ACM). You can set up a Git…

How to Create Ephemeral Environments using Crossplane and ArgoCD?

Posted on September 18, 2020 | By Suraj Banakar

Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Suraj Banakar What if you could just spin up a temporary cluster to test your application and set it to delete it after a certain time period automatically, all…

Container Journal: "CNCF Adopts Argo Continuous Delivery Platform"

Posted on April 15, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has agreed to accept Argo, a content delivery (CD) platform for Kubernetes environments put forward by Intuit, as an incubation project.

DevClass: "Dragonfly and Argo sail into CNCF incubator"

Posted on April 9, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has rolled a brace of projects into its incubator, just in time for Easter, or any other Spring-fertility-renewal festival you’d care to pick. Today, the Dragonfly project hopped out of the CNCF sandbox…

TOC welcomes Argo into the CNCF incubator

Posted on April 7, 2020

Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Argo as an incubation-level hosted project. The Argo Project is a set of Kubernetes-native tools for running and managing jobs and applications on Kubernetes. Argo was created in 2017 at…

SiliconANGLE: "CNCF to host the Argo Project, to manage apps built on Kubernetes, at incubation level"

Posted on April 7, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation said today its Technical Oversight Committee has voted to accept the Argo Project as its latest incubation-level hosted project.

Unlocking the power of ephemeral environments with Devtron

Posted on July 12, 2024 | By Abhinav Dubey

Member post originally published on Devtron’s blog by Abhinav Dubey TL;DR: The blog talks about how ephemeral environments with Devtron become much easier, reducing the complexities, automating the process, and optimizing infra cost. In the world of software…

As we reach mid-year 2024, a look at CNCF, Linux Foundation, and top 30 open source project velocity 

Posted on July 11, 2024

Staff post by Chris Aniszczyk  Date/Time: July 11 at 8am For the last several years we have tracked open source project velocity, which has enabled us to monitor the trends and technologies that resonate with developers and end…

Kubestronaut in Orbit: Peter Barczi

Posted on July 5, 2024

Get to know Peter Barczi Peter, one of our first Kubestronauts, has been working with Kubernetes only since 2021 but has still managed to pass all of CNCF’s Kubernetes certifications. He’s currently the Sr. DevOps Engineer / TechLead…