Search results for: k3s

Cloud Native Predictions for 2021 and Beyond

Posted on January 29, 2021 | By Chris Aniszczyk

Cross-post from Chris Aniszczyk‘s personal blog I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break as the first couple weeks of January 2021 have been pretty wild, from insurrections to new COVID strains. In cloud native land, the CNCF…

Hack my mis-configured Kubernetes – privileged pods

Posted on October 16, 2020 | By Or Kamara

Guest post by Or Kamara, Engineering Team Lead at Snyk The ease of use of Kubernetes can create some big security holes when introducing changes without understanding their effects. The purpose of this hands-on tutorial is to explore…

Rebuilding Linkerd’s continuous integration (CI) with Kubernetes in Docker (kind) and GitHub Actions

Posted on October 8, 2020 | By Andrew Seigner

Guest post originally published on the Bouyant blog by Andrew Seigner This post is a writeup of a talk Andrew gave at KubeCon EU 2020. Introduction In mid-2019, the Linkerd project’s continuous integration (CI) took 45 minutes, all tests…