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Decoding workload specification for effective platform engineering

Posted on November 13, 2023 | By Atulpriya Sharma

Member post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Atulpriya Sharma In an ideal world, developers focus on coding applications while the operations team focuses on their seamless deployments of workloads to different environments. However, this is far from…

CNCF Microsurvey: Training helps developer careers and pay, but lack of time and cost hinder efforts

Posted on September 19, 2023

Technology continues to change rapidly, and companies need workers competent in the latest skills to lead their industries and avoid falling behind. But something needs to change, underscores a recent CNCF microsurvey of about 135 contributors from around…

AI for Kubernetes; good or evil?

Posted on September 5, 2023

Member post originally published on the Nethopper blog by Chris Munford, Nethopper’s Founder/CEO Disclaimer: for the “We haven’t achieved AI yet” crowd, please replace All “AI” with “ML” in this article. Is AI good or evil? Is it…

Building resilience with Chaos Engineering and Litmus

Posted on July 19, 2023 | By Ruturaj Kadikar

Member post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Ruturaj Kadikar Microservices architecture is a popular choice for businesses today due to its scalability, agility, and continuous delivery. However, microservices architectures are not immune to outages. Outages can…

PodSecurityPolicy migration with Kyverno

Posted on July 12, 2023

Project post originally published on the Kyverno blog As you’ve probably heard, PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) in Kubernetes is no more. After a deprecation beginning in v1.21, they were finally removed in v1.25. Many organizations out there are still relying on PSPs…

What are tokens?

Posted on June 23, 2023 | By Asmitha Rathis

Guest post originally published on Promptops’ blog by Asmitha Rathis Tokens are the smallest units of meaning in a language and are used by language models to understand the structure and meaning of a text. In Natural Language…

MLOps for beginners: getting started with MLOps

Posted on June 22, 2023

Ambassador post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Atulpriya Sharma, CNCF Ambassador, Sr. Developer Advocate, InfraCloud Technologies Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized various industries by enabling data-driven decision-making along with the automation of certain tasks. For instance,…

Kyverno — verify Kubernetes control plane images

Posted on May 1, 2023 | By Charles-Edouard Brétéché

Guest post originally published on Medium by Charles-Edouard Brétéché In this story we are going to deploy a local Kubernetes cluster using kind, then we will deploy Kyverno and use it to verify Kubernetes control plane images signature. What is Kyverno ? Kyverno is an open-source policy engine for Kubernetes that allows you to…

PromptOps in application delivery: empowering your workflow with ChatGPT

Posted on April 25, 2023

Guest post by Fog Dong, Engineer at Alibaba Cloud, and Maintainer of KubeVela  ChatGPT is taking the tech industry by storm, thanks to its unparalleled natural language processing capabilities. As a powerful AI language model, it has the…

LitmusChaos 3.0 Beta Rolls On With Multiple Enhancements 

Posted on April 21, 2023

During KubeCon Detroit 2022,the maintainers of LitmusChaos announced the start of 3.0 Beta, with several planned enhancements to make the chaos platform more robust, leaner and developer-friendly. In short, make it more effective and helpful for teams trying…