Search results for: kubernetes

JAXenter: "Harbor works alongside with Kubernetes and Helm to manage your container images securely"

Posted on November 16, 2018

Something new is on the horizon. Moving on up from sandbox status, the CNCF now welcomes Harbor into the incubation stage. The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted and now admits Harbor into the club. .

ComputerWeekly: "Why Kubernetes is driving a groundswell in containerisation"

Posted on November 15, 2018

According to analyst Gartner, the market has chosen Kubernetes as the de facto container orchestration technology, and at the recent KubeCon conference in Shanghai, several businesses joined the user community for Kubernetes.

The New Stack "Rancher takes Kubernetes management to China"

Posted on November 14, 2018

Along with its keynote Wednesday at KubeCon China, Rancher Labs is announcing availability for its Kubernetes platform on China’s three largest cloud providers: Huawei Cloud Container Engine (CCE), Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) and Tencent Kubernetes…

ComputerWeekly "How Kubernetes is becoming a platform for AI"

Posted on November 14, 2018

Opening the first KubeCon conference in China, Dan Kohn, executive director of the CNCF, said: “Graduated projects like Kubernetes have crossed the chasm and are ready for early adoption.” .

SiliconANGLE: "How the new KubeCon co-chair is scaling up the Kubernetes community"

Posted on October 30, 2018

In the few years since it hit the mainstream market, the historically fast-growing open-source project Kubernetes – a container management platform – has become the de facto deployment platform in cloud-native computing with increasing enterprise adoption and industry…

SiliconANGLE: "Wikibon forecast: Multicloud, software robots and Kubernetes will take off in 2019"

Posted on October 17, 2018

Will enterprise models be public, private or multicloud? What role will containers play? And how will key drivers such as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation pursue the adoption of new technologies? And what about security in a world…

InfoQ: "Kubernetes 1.12 brings volume snapshots, TLS improvements, and more"

Posted on October 5, 2018

The Cloud Native Community Foundation (CNFC) has announced the Kubernetes 1.12. This version brings snapshot and restore volumes, improvements to TLS, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), topology-aware dynamic provisioning, Advanced Auditing, topology support for Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin,…

SearchITOperations: "Kubernetes TLS tweaks whet user appetite for easier management"

Posted on October 2, 2018

IT pros have said Kubernetes TLS bootstrap is a step in the right direction, and they have professed hope that it’s the first of many more to come.

Enterprise Tech: "Kubernetes update boosts security, cloud scaling"

Posted on October 1, 2018

Security and stability were the watchwords with the most recent release of Kubernetes, the third version of the production container orchestrator so far this year.

The New Stack: "Kubernetes 1.12 arrives with TLS and better cloud integrations"

Posted on September 28, 2018

The Kubernetes project has been hurtling at breakneck speed towards the boring.