Search results for: cilium

Congratulations to 24 CNCF fall term LFX Program mentees!

Posted on December 8, 2022

We are excited to announce that 24 CNCF interns have successfully completed this term’s LFX  Program! 24 of CNCF’s Graduated, Incubating, and Sandbox projects joined this round with projects including Meshery, WasmEdge, Kyverno, and Vitess. Additional details on…

Constellation – The first always-encrypted Kubernetes engine

Posted on November 30, 2022 | By Edgeless Systems

Guest post by Edgeless Systems Constellation is the first always-encrypted Kubernetes, released as open source in September. It’s a K8s distribution like SUSE Rancher or RedHat OpenShift. What makes Constellation special is that it leverages confidential computing technology…

Kubernetes Community Days Munich: Insights on what went well and what we will do better next time 

Posted on November 16, 2022

Community post from the KCD Munich Organizers – Hannes Hanusch (Blueshoe/Unikube), Max Körbächer (Liquid Reply),  Philipp Maier (Isovalent/Cilium), Tabea (Blueshoe/Unikube), Tom Uhlig (Liquid Reply), Vivien Pfeiffer (Liquid Reply) > Disclaimer: Due to the highly positive feedback from the…

cert-manager becomes a CNCF incubating project

Posted on October 19, 2022

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept cert-manager as a CNCF incubating project.  cert-manager is a Kubernetes add-on to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources, for cloud native Kubernetes…

Improving Security by Fuzzing the CNCF landscape

Posted on June 28, 2022 | By Chris Aniszczyk + Adam Korczynski + David Korczynski

By Chris Aniszczyk (CNCF), Adam Korczynski (Ada Logics), David Korczynski (Ada Logics) In this blog post we present an overview of the state of fuzzing across CNCF projects. This is based on efforts and work that CNCF has…

KubeVirt becomes a CNCF incubating project

Posted on April 19, 2022

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept KubeVirt as a CNCF incubating project.  KubeVirt enables users to run virtual machine workloads on top of Kubernetes in a Kubernetes-native way. It allows the migration of legacy…

Cloud Native Batch System Volcano moves to the CNCF Incubator

Posted on April 7, 2022

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Volcano as a CNCF incubating project.  Volcano is a cloud native batch system and CNCF’s first batch computing project. It is developed to extend cloud native from micro…

Supply chain security project in-toto moves to the CNCF Incubator

Posted on March 10, 2022

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept in-toto as a CNCF incubating project.  in-toto is a framework that protects the software supply chain by collecting and verifying relevant data. It does so by enabling libraries…

Forbes: “CNCF Accepts Knative Project – What Does It Mean To The Cloud Native Ecosystem?”

Posted on March 7, 2022

Last week, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that it is accepting Knative as an incubating project joining the likes of Cilium, Crossplane, Dapr, and Flux projects.

Knative accepted as a CNCF incubating project

Posted on March 2, 2022

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Knative as a CNCF incubating project.  Knative is an open source, Kubernetes-based platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless and event-driven applications. It helps development teams manage, monitor,…