Search results for: connect rpc

Achieving multi-tenancy in monitoring with Prometheus & the mighty Thanos Receiver

Posted on October 13, 2020

Guest post originally published on Infracloud’s blog by Sayan Das, DevOps Engineer at InfraCloud Technologies Hey there! If you are reading this blog post, then I guess you are already aware of Prometheus and how it helps us in monitoring…

The road ahead for Linkerd2-proxy, and how you can get involved

Posted on September 16, 2020 | By Oliver Gould

Guest post originally posted on the Linkerd blog by Oliver Gould The past few months have seen a continued interest in Linkerd’s data plane “micro-proxy”, Linkerd2-proxy. Last month, William Morgan wrote about some of the decisions that first went into…

Harbor is extending its reach with key image distribution features and support for Machine Learning artifacts

Posted on August 25, 2020

By the Harbor team, originally posted on the Harbor blog On the heels of the announcement that Harbor is now a Graduated project in CNCF, the team is preparing for another big event—the upcoming release of Harbor v2.1. Harbor…

TOC approves Thanos from sandbox to incubation

Posted on August 19, 2020

Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Thanos as an incubation-level hosted project. Thanos is a metric system that provides a simple and cost-effective way to centralize and scale Prometheus based systems. The project was…

Falco Update: What's new in Falco?

Posted on August 17, 2020 | By Falco project maintainers

Guest post from Falco project maintainers Kris Nóva (Sysdig), Lorenzo Fontana (Sysdig), Spencer Krum (IBM), Kaizhe Huang (Sysdig), Leonardo Di Donato (Sysdig) A lot has happened in the world since the Falco maintainers were face to face at…

OpenTelemetry: Future-Proofing Your Instrumentation

Posted on August 6, 2020

Guest post originally published on the New Relic blog by John Watson, lead engineer, and Lavanya Chockalingam, senior product marketing manager at New Relic As a developer, you care about the performance of your applications, and you know just how…

TOC accepts Contour as Incubating project

Posted on July 7, 2020

Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Contour as an incubation-level hosted project. Contour is a high-performance ingress controller for Kubernetes that provides a control plane for Envoy. “One of the most important steps for…

Efficient model training in the cloud with Kubernetes, TensorFlow, and Alluxio

Posted on July 3, 2020

Guest post originally published on the Alluxio Engineering Blog by Rong Gu, associate researcher at Nanjing University, and Yang Che, is a senior technical expert at Alibaba Cloud, feat. the Alibaba Cloud Container Service Team Case Study This…

The difference between API Gateways and Service Mesh

Posted on March 6, 2020

Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Marco Palladino, co-founder and CTO, Kong Why API Management and Service Mesh are Complementary Patterns for Different Use Cases Note: The goal of this piece is to provide a cheat sheet that…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020

Posted on January 29, 2020

Experts from around the world will join over 8000 attendees in Amsterdam SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – January 29, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced the schedule…