Search results for: helm

Strimzi joins the CNCF Incubator

Posted on February 8, 2024

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Strimzi as a CNCF incubating project.  Strimzi is focused on deploying and running Apache Kafka clusters on Kubernetes. Apache Kafka is a leading platform for building event-based microservices…

Rethinking threat detection and response in cloud native ecosystems

Posted on February 1, 2024

Community post originally published on DZone by Nigel Douglas In highly dynamic cloud-native environments, the traditional Threat Detection and Response (TDR) approaches are increasingly showing their limitations. With its unique architecture and operational dynamics, Kubernetes demands re-evaluating how we handle security threats,…

From attendees to organizers: a community story

Posted on February 1, 2024 | By Matteo Bianchi, Marcel Kerker and Carlos Mestre del Pino

KCD post by Matteo Bianchi, Marcel Kerker and Carlos Mestre del Pino Less than a year ago some of us attended our first Kubernetes Community Day ever, in Amsterdam and we would never have guessed that some months…

Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023: putting sustainability on the community radar

Posted on January 29, 2024 | By Michel Murabito, Marta Paciorkowska, Kristina Devochko, and Leonard Pahlke

TAG post by Michel Murabito, Marta Paciorkowska, Kristina Devochko, and Leonard Pahlke For the first time, during the week 9th-15th October 2023, CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability organized a global community event that was aimed to raise awareness for…

2024 Kubernetes Benchmark Report: the latest analysis of Kubernetes workloads

Posted on January 26, 2024

Member post originally published on Fairwinds’ blog by Joe Pelletier Kubernetes adoption continues to grow, enabling organizations to automate the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. As it does, DevOps, platform engineering, and development teams are looking more…

Kubernetes and beyond: a year-end reflection with Kelsey Hightower

Posted on January 22, 2024

Ambassador post originally published on’s blog by Dotan Horovits With 2023 drawing to a close, the final OpenObservability Talks of the year focused on what happened this year in open source, DevOps, observability and more, with an…

GitOpsCon Europe 2023 and beyond!

Posted on January 19, 2024

Community post by Christian Hernandez, head of community, Akuity GitOpsCon Europe 2023 took place, virtually, on December 5th and 6th. It took place as multiple tracks, spread over two half days. There were multiple talks spanning all user…

Dragonfly accelerates distribution of large files with Git LFS

Posted on January 15, 2024 | By Wenbo Qi

Project post by Wenbo Qi of Dragonfly What is Git LFS? Git LFS (Large File Storage) is an open-source extension for Git that enables users to handle large files more efficiently in Git repositories. Git is a version…

Platform engineering maturity at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023

Posted on January 3, 2024 | By Mathieu Benoit

Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mathieu Benoit Platform Engineering was a huge theme at KubeCon NA 2023 in Chicago. More than ever before. More and more companies have initiatives to streamline platform engineering best practices and…

Extending GitOps: Effortless continuous integration and deployment on Kubernetes

Posted on December 26, 2023

Member post originally published on the Amplication blog by Levi Van Noort Introduction: Over the last decade, there have been notable shifts in the process of delivering source code. One of the more recent adaptations on the deployment…