Search results for: kubernetes

Cloud Native Glossary — the French version is live!

Posted on January 9, 2024 | By Christophe Sauthier, Flavien Hardy, Ludovic Logiou, Stéphane Este-Gracias, and Guillaume Bernard

Community post by Christophe Sauthier, Flavien Hardy, Ludovic Logiou, Stéphane Este-Gracias, and Guillaume Bernard The Cloud Native Glossary is a project led by the CNCF Business Value Subcommittee. Its goal is to explain cloud native concepts in clear…

Optimizing the construction of the VM ecosystem with KubeVirt

Posted on January 8, 2024 | By Zou Nengren

Ambassador post by Zou Nengren Two months ago, we were thrilled to share insights in the article “Best Practices for Migrating VM Clusters to KubeVirt 1.0.” As previously mentioned, we have selected AlmaLinux and Kubernetes 1.28 as the…

CubeFS completes security audit!

Posted on January 8, 2024 | By OSTIF

Community post from the team at OSTIF OSTIF and the CNCF are proud to announce the completion of a security audit of CubeFS. The project, which provides cloud-native storage across a variety of access protocols, was audited by…

Top 10 observability resources by CNCF community in 2023

Posted on January 5, 2024 | By Tal Yitzhak

Member post by Tal Yitzhak, Solution Architect at Lightrun Introduction As we bid farewell to a remarkably productive year in 2023, the dedicated members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) community have tirelessly toiled to craft innovative…

Bringing WebAssembly to telecoms with CNCF wasmCloud

Posted on January 5, 2024 | By TM Forum’s WebAssembly Canvas Catalyst team

Community post by the TM Forum’s WebAssembly Canvas Catalyst team: CSPs: Orange, Vodafone, Etisalat by e&, nbnCo ISVs: SigScale, Wavenet, Comviva CNCF Technology: CNCF wasmCloud, maintained by Cosmonic The Telecoms Sector Today It’s hard to think of a…

Platform engineering maturity at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023

Posted on January 3, 2024 | By Mathieu Benoit

Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mathieu Benoit Platform Engineering was a huge theme at KubeCon NA 2023 in Chicago. More than ever before. More and more companies have initiatives to streamline platform engineering best practices and…

Empowering platform engineers: a comprehensive guide to advanced DevOps practices

Posted on December 29, 2023 | By Abhilash A

Member post by Abhilash A, Product Marketing at Ozone Today, Platform engineers find themselves at the forefront of transformative changes, steering the ship toward cloud-first and Kubernetes-centric architectures. The shift brings both opportunities and challenges, particularly when dealing…

Installing multiple helm charts in one go [Approach 1 – using parent/child charts]

Posted on December 26, 2023 | By Sunny Bhambhani

Community post originally published on Sunny Bhambhani Helm is really a very powerful tool for managing Kubernetes objects and is widely adopted across various organizations. It is truly a game changer on how Kubernetes objects are being managed. With…

My journey of CNCF mentorship and open source

Posted on December 22, 2023 | By Mohammed Affan

Mentorship post originally published on Medium by Mohammed Affan Diving Into the Open Source: In the summer of 2023, I decided to jump into the open-source world to get some hands-on software development experience as a student. With…

Cilium’s 2023 annual report

Posted on December 21, 2023 | By Cilium maintainers

Project post by Cilium maintainers 2023 marks a significant milestone for Cilium, known as the Year of Cilium Graduation. This year, we’ve seen remarkable growth in the Cilium ecosystem, both in terms of contributions and adoption. The 2023…