APIOps and an API gateway: Get your development groove back
Member post originally published on the ngrok blog by Joel Hans Developers love a groove. No, I don’t mean a touch of jazz to class up your workday, but the specific patterns you rely on for…
Kubestronaut in Orbit: Dmitri Telinov
Get to know Dmitri This week’s Kubestronaut in Orbit, Dmitri Telinov, a Senior DevOps Engineer in Chișinău, Moldova, is a curious and avid learner and considered himself a complete beginner in Kubernetes only 3 years ago….
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 Day 2: keynotes, announcements and more
On the second day of KubeCon, nearly 9,200 attendees had the opportunity to focus on the theme of the day – security – while attending sessions, visiting the Sponsor Showcase, and networking. The mood was upbeat,…
CNCF Presents Top End User Award to Adobe
A global digital media and marketing solutions leader has contributed to 46 CNCF projects and shared a reference architecture for its Internal Developer Platform SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America – November…
CNCF’s End User Technical Advisory Board has compiled new materials to promote best practices and simplify the adoption of cloud native technologies SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America – November 14, 2024…
CNCF Technology Landscape Radar – Japanese translation
2024年第3四半期のCNCF技術展望レーダーでは、重要なクラウドネイティブ テクノロジーの採用と成熟度を調査し、マルチクラスタ アプリケーション管理ソリューションとバッチ/AI/ML コンピューティング テクノロジーに関する詳細な洞察を提供します。このレポートでは、これらの分野における有用性、成熟度、および主要ツールに関する開発者の認識を分析しています。 このレポートでは、Argo CD、Cilium、Apache Airflow、Kubeflowなどのテクノロジーを包括的に調査し、開発者が導入の準備が整っていると考えるツールと、さらに評価が必要なツールを明らかにします。また、テクノロジーの選択を促す要因を探り、クラウドネイティブ エコシステムの新たなトレンドを明らかにします。 この分析は、SlashDataとCloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) による2024年第3四半期の共同調査における300人超のプロフェッショナル クラウド ネイティブ開発者の回答に基づいています。 日本語版翻訳協力:木下兼一
CNCF Technology Landscape Radar
The Q3 2024 CNCF Technology Landscape Radar examines the adoption and maturity of critical cloud native technologies – providing detailed insights into multicluster application management solutions and batch/AI/ML compute technologies. The report analyzes developer perceptions of…
CNCF welcomes wasmCloud to the CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept wasmCloud as a CNCF incubating project. wasmCloud, an open source project from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), enables teams to build and run polyglot applications…
Announcing Kyverno release 1.13!
Project post originally published on the Kyverno blog Kyverno 1.13 released with Sigstore bundle verification, exceptions for validatingAdmissionPolicies, new assertion trees, generate enhancments, enhanced ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and PolicyException support, and tons more! Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Kyverno…
What Karpenter v1.0.0 means for Kubernetes autoscaling
Member post by Rajdeep Saha, Principal Solutions Architect, AWS and Praseeda Sathaye, Principal SA, Containers & OSS, AWS Introduction Karpenter is an open-source project that provides node lifecycle management to optimize the efficiency and cost of running workloads…