Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Vitess Graduation
Cloud native database system reaches version 4.0 with focus on usability and performance SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – November 5, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today…
DevClass: "Jaeger seventh project to graduate CNCF"
The technical oversight committee of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has voted distributed tracing platform Jaeger into Graduate status, lining it up alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, and Fluentd.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces Jaeger graduation
Distributed tracing platform is run by numerous organizations in production for using microservices at scale SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – October 31, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon San Diego
Foundation’s largest event yet is expected to host 12,000 attendees SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – September 5, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced the session…
CNCF technical principles and open governance success
As CNCF approaches its 4th year anniversary, the community has grown to sustain over 30 projects and 450 members. It has become one of the most successful open source organizations in terms of impact which you…
Open sourcing the Kubernetes security audit
Last year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) began the process of performing and open sourcing third-party security audits for its projects in order to improve the overall security of our ecosystem. The idea was to…
A spinoff of the multinational conglomerate Alibaba, Ant Financial boasts a $150+ billion valuation and the scale to match. The fintech startup, launched in 2014, is comprised of Alipay, the world’s largest online payment platform, and…
作为跨国集团阿里巴巴成立的分支公司,蚂蚁金服增长迅速,估值超过 1500 亿美元。 作为跨国集团阿里巴巴成立的分支公司,蚂蚁金服增长迅速,估值超过 1500 亿美元。这家金融科技创业公司于 2014 年成立,旗下包含全球最大的在线支付平台支付宝,同时还通过充分利用科技创新推出了多项其他服务。支付宝拥有 9 亿多用户,每天都有海量的交易通过其本地和全球合作伙伴达成。2017 年双十一高峰期的每秒交易量高达 256,000 笔,2018 年双十一的商品成交额更是高达 310 亿美元。蚂蚁金服以“为世界带来更多平等的机会”为使命,致力于通过科技创新能力,搭建一个开放、共享的信用体系和金融服务平台。 除了金融服务外,蚂蚁金服还运营着其他业务,例如花呗在线信用系统、借呗借款服务、以及拥有 3.5 亿用户的蚂蚁森林绿色能量移动应用。存储和计算集团产品管理负责人 Haojie Hang 对此表示,蚂蚁金服面临着“以全新方式处理数据的挑战。我们认为这一处理规模会带来三个严峻挑战:1. 如何提供实时计算、存储和处理能力,以便开展为欺诈检测提供实时建议等工作;2. 如何从这些数据中挖掘智能,尽管当前我们有很多数据,但我们并未能从中获得足够的洞察;3. 如何在应用程序级别、中间件级别、系统级别甚至是芯片级别保证安全性。” 为了应对这些挑战并为其客户提供可靠和一致的服务,蚂蚁金服在 2014 年采用了 Docker 容器化技术。但很快,他们便意识到需要一款编排解决方案,来支持公司数据中心内拥有数万个节点的集群。 该团队研究了多项技术,包括 Docker Swarm 和 Mesos 等。Hang…
With a mission of researching fundamental science, and a stable of extremely large machines, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) operates at what can only be described as hyperscale. Experiments are conducted in particle accelerators,…
TOC approves CNCF SIGs and creates security and storage SIGs
Earlier this year, the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to create CNCF Special Interest Groups (SIGs). CNCF SIGs are currently being bootstrapped in various focus areas and primarily led by recognized experts and supported by contributors. They…