Set up and observe a Spring Boot application with Grafana Cloud, Prometheus, and OpenTelemetry
Guest post originally published on the Grafana Labs blog by Adam Quan Spring Boot is a very popular microservice framework that significantly simplifies web application development by providing Java developers with a platform to get started…
Cilium 1.12 GA: Cilium Service Mesh and other major new features for enterprise Kubernetes
The Cilium project is excited to announce the general availability of Cilium 1.12. Cilium is well known as the de-facto standard for cloud native networking and security, adopted by companies like Adobe, Bell Canada, and IKEA…
Project post by the LitmusChaos maintainers The Chaos Engineering community is growing exponentially day by day and the LitmusChaos community is grateful to be receiving massive participation and immense engagement in recent times to help the…
New Gold Member, OPPO Joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
OPPO, a global technology company is investing in the CNCF community and announcing that cloud native storage project CubeFS, has moved to Incubation SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – July 3, 2021 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation®…
ArgoCon 2022 Event Schedule is Released
In-person and virtual event will focus on collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing around the Argo open source project SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – June 29, 2022 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems…
Improving Security by Fuzzing the CNCF landscape
By Chris Aniszczyk (CNCF), Adam Korczynski (Ada Logics), David Korczynski (Ada Logics) In this blog post we present an overview of the state of fuzzing across CNCF projects. This is based on efforts and work that…
Announcing the completion of Linkerd’s 2022 Security Audit
Linkerd project cross-post by William Morgan Today we’re happy to announce the completion of Linkerd’s annual security audit, conducted by Trail of Bits and funded by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. As part of Linkerd’s commitment to openness, transparency,…
Breaking the multi-cloud barrier in a regulated industry
Guest post originally published by Kasper Borg Nissen, Lead Platform Architect at Lunar How Kubernetes and Linkerd became Lunar’s multi-cloud communication backbone At Lunar, a Scandinavian online bank, we embraced cloud native tech early on. We’ve…
Boeing Joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a Platinum Member
Leading global aerospace company invests heavily in the cloud native ecosystem VALENCIA, Spain – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe – May 18, 2022 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Welcomes Coinbase as Gold Member
Innovator in the crypto economy affirms commitment to cloud native ecosystem VALENCIA, Spain – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe – May 18, 2022 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native…