Search results for: envoy

Why Linkerd doesn’t use Envoy

Posted on December 11, 2020 | By William Morgan

Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by William Morgan, CEO at Buoyant Why Linkerd doesn’t use Envoy In this article I’m going to describe why Linkerd isn’t built on Envoy. This is a bit of a weird article…

Envoy Mobile Joins the CNCF

Posted on November 17, 2020 | By Michael Schore

Envoy project cross-post by Michael Schore Just over a year ago, we announced Envoy Mobile’s initial OSS preview. Today, we have some exciting news to share: Envoy Mobile is officially joining its parent project Envoy as part of…

EnvoyCon 2020

Posted on November 1, 2020

EnvoyCon 2020 held virtually on October 15, 2020, brought together the international Envoy community through virtual sessions, networking pairings, sponsor booths, and social feeds. Speakers answered live questions and interacted with attendees over two tracks comprised of 34…

EnvoyCon 2020 Virtual: A Day of Envoy Insights and Community Networking!

Posted on October 23, 2020

The third annual EnvoyCon took place on October 15th and was a big success!  Envoy, the third project to graduate from CNCF, is a cloud native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy well suited for cloud native and service mesh applications….

InfoQ: “Q/A with Creator of Envoy and Lyft Engineer Matt Klein”

Posted on October 14, 2020

EnvoyCon 2020 is scheduled as a virtual event this week. Envoy which was the third project to graduate from CNCF behind Kubernetes and Prometheus was originally created at Lyft. It’s a high performant edge/middle/service proxy well suited for…

Multi-cluster & multi-cloud service mesh with CNCF’s Kuma and Envoy

Posted on September 11, 2020

Learn how to run a distributed Envoy-based service mesh on multiple Kubernetes clusters and multiple clouds in just a few steps with Kuma, a CNCF project. In this hands-on webinar, Marco Palladino – Kong’s CTO and Kuma maintainer…

The New Stack: "KubeCon EU: Envoy looks to WebAssembly to extend microservices monitoring"

Posted on August 24, 2020

Envoy is an open-source network proxy that runs alongside applications to provide them with common features in a platform-agnostic manner. Envoy contributor and Software Engineer at, Yaroslav Skopets offered up at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, virtual edition,…

Envoy 1.15 introduces a new Postgres extension with monitoring support

Posted on August 13, 2020 | By Fabrízio Mello and Álvaro Hernández

This is a guest post co-authored by Fabrízio Mello and Álvaro Hernández, from OnGres. Envoy 1.15 was released on July 6th, and it included an interesting mention in the release notes: a new plugin, for Postgres! This post will introduce why this plugin was…

CNCF Project Envoy enables Arm64 CI using Azure Pipelines on AWS Graviton2

Posted on August 12, 2020

By Envoy Contributors: Kushal Koolwal (Arm), Jingzhao Ni (Arm), Matt Klein (Envoy/CNCF), Lizan Zhou (Tetrate) Software applications are being created and rewritten with a “cloud-native first” mindset, leveraging principles of containerization and its orchestration, microservices, and delivering them…

Comparing eBPF and Istio/Envoy for monitoring microservice interactions

Posted on July 9, 2020

Kubernetes has made it incredibly easy to build distributed applications out of large numbers of microservices. Monitoring, or even accurately tracking, the interaction between each of these services can be a significant operational challenge. Service meshes, built around…