Who we are The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure. We bring together the world’s top developers, end users, and vendors and run the largest open source developer conferences….
Service connectivity isn’t your job, but it’s still your problem
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Marco Palladino, Co-founder / CTO at Kong As a developer, your company hired you to build incredible products that focus on your users’ and customers’ needs. Yet, in…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Open Policy Agent Graduation
The cloud native policy enforcement engine is used in production by organizations like Goldman Sachs, Netflix, Pinterest, and T-Mobile SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – February 4th, 2021 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces AT&T as Platinum Member
Global telecommunications leader doubles down on commitment to the cloud native ecosystem and telecom innovation SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Feb 2, 2021 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native…
Cloud Native Predictions for 2021 and Beyond
Cross-post from Chris Aniszczyk‘s personal blog I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break as the first couple weeks of January 2021 have been pretty wild, from insurrections to new COVID strains. In cloud native land,…
TechGenix: “Kuma: A Modern Multizone Service Mesh for Containers and VMS”
Envoy is likely the most important open-source project in the cloud-native networking space. Without it, we wouldn’t have a service mesh like Istio. The Envoy team recently announced Envoy Mobile, which looks to manage mobile applications with…
Table of Contents Who We Are Remembering Dan KohnMomentum in 2020Membership End User Community End Users & CNCF Projects / TOCEnd Users & KubeCon + CloudNativeConCNCF End User Technology RadarEnd User Training BenefitsEnd User Case StudiesConferences…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Receives Renewed $3 Million Cloud Credit Grant from Google Cloud
Google’s donation will help further the technical maturity and stability of the Kubernetes project SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – December 17, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software,…
Kuma 1.0 GA released with 70+ new features & improvements
Guest post by Marco Palladino, CTO & Co-Founder at Kong; Creator & maintainer of Kuma Kuma 1.0 is now generally available with over 70 features and improvements ready to use and deploy in production to create…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces etcd Graduation
Widely used data store solution for orchestrators has seen 200 distinct contributors in the past 12 months SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – November 24, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for…