Search results for: envoy

Service Mess to Service Mesh

Posted on February 14, 2020

Guest post by Rob Richardson (@rob_rich), Technical Evangelist, MemSQL & Kavya Pearlman (@KavyaPearlman), Global Cybersecurity Strategist, Wallarm We are witnessing the rise of microservices and cloud-native technologies. However, one big challenge of microservice architecture is the overhead of…

Posted on February 13, 2020 has a long history with Kubernetes: In 2015, a team at the travel platform prototyped a container platform based on Mesos and Marathon. Impressed by what the technology offered, but in need of enterprise features at its…

Posted on February 13, 2020 和 Kubernetes 渊源已久:2015年,旅游平台上的一个团队在 Mesos 和 Marathon 基础上,构建了一个容器平台原型。 这项技术的强大给他们留下了深刻的印象,但在这个规模上,需要体现企业特点,网站平均每天处理150多万个房间/晚预定,所以团队最终决定采用 OpenShift 平台。 这个平台包裹在类似 Heroku 高级 CLI 界面中,“深受产品开发者青睐,”平台 Track B 开发者主管 Ben Tyler说,“我们能帮他们快速进入基础设施。” 但是,他补充说:“稍微偏离轨道一点,开发者就会不知道如何自救了。” 运行这个平台一年之后,基础设施团队发现平台成了“知识瓶颈”,他说:“多数使用平台的开发者并不知道下面是 Kubernetes。应用程序和平台故障都和类似 Heroku 工具故障非常相似。” 提供必要的支持貌似不可行,也不可持续,平台团队需要一个新的解决方案。在运行 OpenShift 平台过程中积累的 Kubernetes 知识给他们增加了信心,他们想建立一个自己的 Kubernetes 平台,定制化地满足公司的需求。 “说到带入情境,OpenShift 绝对好用。”平台 Track B 高级系统管理员…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020

Posted on January 29, 2020

Experts from around the world will join over 8000 attendees in Amsterdam SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – January 29, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced the schedule…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces ‘Introduction to Kubernetes’ course surpasses 100,000 registrations

Posted on January 28, 2020

Hosted by The Linux Foundation and, the course teaches the basics of Kubernetes to developers and systems administrators SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – January 28, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for…


Posted on January 23, 2020

中国民生银行始建于1996年,是中国第一家非政府所有的国家商业银行。 Zhang Li 说民生的文化就是要敢为人先。“我们银行总是走在金融行业的技术前沿,”民生容器云技术负责人 Zhang 先生说。在两年前,这句话的意思就是“我们必须要在云原生技术上领先于他人。” 但民生所有的旧有应用程序都是用 C 和 Java 语言编写的,采用的也都是传统架构,比如核心银行系统、支付系统、渠道系统等。“我们想要做分布式应用程序,是因为我们以前的数据中心用过 VM,很贵,资源利用率也很低,” Zhang 先生说,“我们面临的最大挑战是怎么让传统的旧有应用程序能够适应云原生环境。” Zhang 先生坚信 Kubernetes 是建立云原生环境的关键,因此选择和阿里云合作。“阿里云是 Kubernetes 和其他 CNCF 项目在中国的主要贡献者,所以我们非常信任他们,”Zhang先生说。从2019年开始,“他们帮我们启动了这次转型,我们也给他们反馈意见,这样他们就能根据反馈优化其他行业的产品和服务。” 迄今为止,约有20个应用程序在 Kubernetes 平台上实现生产。30个新的应用程序在积极开发,准备采用 Kubernetes 平台。“阿里云容器服务帮助民生实现创新业务的快速增长,”阿里云容器服务Kubernetes高级架构师 Eric Li说。现在,所有用于 AI、区块链和大数据分析的应用程序都要建在平台上。 因此,开发、运营和维护效率提高了3倍,CPU 的资源利用率和存储翻了一番有余。部署时间从若干小时缩短到若干分钟。 “我们花两年时间做了大量实践,从失败和成功当中吸取经验教训,最终成为云原生。这需要我们解放思想、打开视野,去了解当今世界的状况。我们需要随时跟踪技术发展,取得其他团队的信任。” — 民生银行容器云技术负责人 ZHANG LI 此外,故障时间也减少了50%。“我们的一个支付应用有将近30个模块,”Zhang…

China Minsheng Bank

Posted on January 23, 2020

Established in 1996, China Minsheng Bank was the country’s first national commercial bank owned primarily by non-government enterprises. Zhang Li says it’s part of CMBC’s culture to be pioneers. “My bank is always leading in technology in the…

TOC votes to move Falco into CNCF incubator

Posted on January 8, 2020

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Falco as an incubation-level hosted project. Falco, which entered the CNCF Sandbox in October 2018, is an open source Kubernetes runtime security project. It provides intrusion and abnormality…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces schedule for Kubernetes forums in Bengaluru and Delhi, India

Posted on December 13, 2019

Local and international experts will convene in India to discuss cloud native technologies SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – December 12, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced the…


Posted on December 4, 2019

When it was founded in 2000, uSwitch helped consumers in the U.K. compare prices for their utilities. The company eventually expanded to include comparison and switching tools for a wide range of verticals, including broadband service, credit cards,…