CNCF’s full GSoC roster passes summer evaluations
Each summer, the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program welcomes hundreds (if not thousands) of students to write code and learn about the open source community – all with help from mentor organizations like CNCF. As…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes 38 new members at Open Source Summit North America
Foundation reaches membership milestone, 10x growth in less than three years, from industry’s biggest cross-collaboration gathering around open source technologies VANCOUVER, Canada – August 29, 2018 – Open Source Summit North America – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation®…
CNCF Survey: Use of cloud native technologies in production has grown over 200%
The bi-annual CNCF survey takes a pulse of the community to better understand the adoption of cloud native technologies. This is the sixth time CNCF has taken the temperature of the container management marketplace. Key takeaways…
First Asia event by Kubernetes-host organization will highlight large-scale market adoption and include cloud native tracks on service mesh, CI/CD, Istio, container security and more SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – August 16, 2018 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation,…
云原生计算基金会(CNCF)公布 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 中国论坛演讲嘉宾阵容,彰显该领域的潮流方向
Kubernetes 组织的首届亚洲区盛事将强调大规模市场采用,并包括服务网格、CI/CD、Istio、容器安全等方面的云原生轨迹 加州旧金山 – 2018年8月16日 – 支持和集成 Kubernetes 和 Prometheus 等开源技术的云原生计算基金会(CNCF)今日公布了2018年11月13至15日在上海举行的KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 中国论坛的完整日程表。来自阿里巴巴、才云科技、eBay、Google、华为、京东、Microsoft、Shopify 等多家公司的专家,将针对当今最迫切的云原生话题发表演讲。 在欧洲和北美地区主办了有史以来最大规模的 Kubernetes 论坛之后,随着亚洲云原生技术的迅猛发展,”KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 中国论坛”将聚集数以千计的技术专家,以及CNCF 托管项目的维护者和终端用户,包括Kubernetes、Prometheus、OpenTracing、Fluentd、gRPC、containerd、rkt、CNI、Envoy、Jaeger、Notary、TUF、Vitess、CoreDNS、NATS、Linkerd 和 Helm。参会者将在三天的时间内欢聚一堂,分享对这一快速发展的生态系统的独到见解。 “云原生和开源技术比以往任何时候更受中国不同规模机构的开发人员和高管的喜爱,所以,在上海举办我们的 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 年度盛会乃是顺势之举。”云原生计算基金会(CNCF)执行董事Dan Kohn 说:”CNCF 很荣幸能够为开发人员、供应商和用户提供共聚一堂的机会,利用该地区对这一领域的热情,并为我们日益壮大的全球社区开辟合作之路。” 由60多名专家组成,并由会议联席主席,Aqua Security的Liz Rice和Google Cloud的Janet…
Founded in 1851 and known as the newspaper of record, The New York Times is a digital pioneer: Its first website launched in 1996, before Google even existed. After the company decided a few years ago…
As a top 10 U.S. retail bank, Capital One has applications that handle millions of transactions a day. Big-data decisioning—for fraud detection, credit approvals and beyond—is core to the business. To support the teams that build applications with…
Getting the most out of Istio with CNCF projects
This guest post was written by Neeraj Poddar, Platform Lead, Aspen Mesh Are you considering or using a service mesh to help manage your microservices infrastructure? If so, here are some basics on how a service…
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Helm as an incubation-level hosted project. No longer a sub-project under Kubernetes, Helm is a package manager that provides an easy way…
How Crowdfire keeps iterating a fast-growing app with a cloud native approach
Crowdfire helps creators create content anywhere on the Internet, and publish it everywhere else in the right format. Since its launch in 2010, it has grown to 16 million users. Read this case study to learn how Kubernetes helped…