With more than 300 million users, China Unicom is one of the country’s top three telecom operators. Behind the scenes, the company runs multiple data centers with thousands of servers in each, using Docker containerization and…
中国联通拥有超过 3 亿用户,是中国三大电信运营商之一。 中国联通拥有超过 3 亿用户,是中国三大电信运营商之一。为了提供优质服务,该公司设立了多个数据中心,每个数据中心配有数千台服务器;此外,该公司从 2016 年起开始使用 Docker 容器化及 VMWare 和 OpenStack 基础设施。平台技术研发室主任张呈宇表示:“遗憾的是,资源利用率相对较低,我们缺乏一款能够支持我们数百个应用的云平台。” 张呈宇带领团队开展新技术和平台研发,希望获得一款理想的 IT 管理解决方案。中国联通以前是一家国有独资企业,近年开始吸收 BAT(百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯)和京东等私企的投资,如今正着手使用开源技术而非商用产品加强内部开发。有鉴于此,该团队开始为其云基础设施部署开源编排功能。 尽管中国联通已经使用 Mesos 建设其核心电信运营商系统,但该团队认为 Kubernetes 是这一全新云平台的天然之选。张呈宇表示:“Kubernetes 的主要优势是拥有成熟的社区,而且增势强劲,有助于我们充分借鉴他人的最佳实践。”中国联通还将 Istio、Envoy、CoreDNS 和 Fluentd 用于其微服务框架。 该公司支持 Kubernetes 的云平台现在托管了 50 项微服务,正助力其迈向新的发展阶段。中国联通开发人员可通过 API 轻松利用这一技术,无需自行开展开发工作。这一云平台提供了 20-30…
TOC votes to move OPA into CNCF incubator
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as an incubation-level hosted project. OPA, which entered the CNCF Sandbox in March 2018, is an open…
With its end-to-end commerce platform for cloud-based products and services, AppDirect has been helping organizations such as Comcast and GoDaddy simplify the digital supply chain since 2009. When Director of Software Development Pierre-Alexandre Lacerte started working…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019
Foundation’s biggest European event to date will feature talks by Ant Financial, AT&T, Dyson, Etsy.com, GO-JEK, NTT Corporation, NVIDIA, Offerup, Spotify, Zalando, and more SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – March 13, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing…
When Cedric Meury joined ricardo.ch in 2016, he saw a clear divide between Operations and Development. In fact, there was literal distance between them: The engineering team worked in France, while the rest of the org…
The largest online consignment store for women’s and children’s clothes, ThredUP is focused on getting consumers to think second-hand first. “We’re disrupting the retail industry, and it’s really important to us to make sure that as…
To Russia with love – Kubernetes in exotic locations
You’ve migrated your workloads to Kubernetes in the cloud, but now your client requires their application run somewhere your cloud provider isn’t – what to do? This talk will walk through a real use case of…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes Arm as Gold Member
Computing giant affirms its focus and aligns itself to contribute to the next generation of cloud innovation SAN FRANCISCO – February 19, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains open source technologies like…
The second biggest municipality in Canada, Montréal has a large number of legacy systems keeping the government running. And while they don’t quite date back to the city’s founding in 1642, “we have systems that are…