Introduction to OpenTelemetry (Overview Part 1/2)
Guest post originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CEO at Epsagon OpenTelemetry is an exciting new observability ecosystem with a number of leading monitoring companies behind it. It is a provider-agnostic observability solution…
Harnessing the power of microservices to overcome an uncertain marketplace
Guest post originally published on the Aspen Mesh blog by Shawn Wormke, Incubation Lead at Aspen Mesh According to PwC’s 23rd Annual Global CEO Survey, the outlook for 2020 can be summarized in one word-uncertainty. According…
Helm is an open source package manager for Kubernetes. It provides the ability to provide, share, and use software built for Kubernetes. Helm was created in 2015 at Deis, which was later acquired by Microsoft. What…
Based in India, Sterlite Technologies Ltd. (STL) builds and delivers operations support systems (OSS), business support systems (BSS), digital commerce, wifi, and other software for telecom operators across the globe. With customers in more than 150…
Based in India, Sterlite Technologies Ltd. (STL) builds and delivers operations support systems (OSS), business support systems (BSS), digital commerce, wifi, and other software for telecom operators across the globe. With customers in more than 150…
印度Sterlite Technologies Ltd.(STL)为全球电信运营商构建提供操作支持系统(OSS)、业务支持系统(BSS)、数字商务、wifi 及其他软件。 公司客户遍及150多个国家,“我们的产品可根据客户需求定制、配置,部署在客户的基础设施上,从裸金属、基于管理程序的虚拟化,到 OpenStack 私有云,以及近期使用越来越广的公有云平台,应有尽有,” STL 平台研发副总裁 Ajay Iyer 说,“因此,交货周期通常为15至18个月,部署时间需要3至5天。” 但对于 STL 来说,仅做到这些仍然不够,Iyer 说:“我们追求的目标是‘一朝构建、随处可用’,不需要依靠任何底层基础设施,就能够实现全网规模、云原生能力,也能更快实现产出。如今,全球电信产业对云原生解决方案的需求和应用正在呈指数级增长,我们希望能够满足需求,保持竞争力。” 团队相信,凭借其自动伸缩扩容、自我修复、自动部署与回滚功能,Kubernetes 编排一定能让 STL 实现目标。目前公司已经开始使用 Docker 容器,并在评估了多个平台之后,决定采用 Kubernetes,“主要是因为它无懈可击的社区支持,” Iyer 说。 2018年中,平台团队开始着手把标准电信企业应用转为云原生应用,网络等级应用转为 Kubernetes 上的 CNF(云原生网络功能)。STL 的云原生堆栈还包括 ELK、Ambassador API 网关、Prometheus 和 Grafana 等,作为获取应用…
Join us for the Cloud Native Summit Online on April 7!
By Kim McMahon, Director of Marketing at CNCF and Priyanka Sharma, CNCF board member and GitLab Director With the postponement of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU, and many of our other favorite face-to-face industry events, CNCF, GitLab,…
爱立信是为服务供应商及各行各业提供信息与通讯技术(ICT)的顶级供应商之一。 一个多世纪以来,爱立信已经发展成为顶级的电信设备制造厂商,全球40%的移动流量都要通过爱立信的网络传输。其主要创新包括 HEVC(高效视频编码)、无线点系统、数代移动技术、AMR(自适应多速率音频编解码器)、蓝牙和Erlang(编程语言)。 从 1G 网络开始,爱立信就协助制定全球移动通讯标准。现在,爱立信已经伫立于 5G 转型的前沿。 “多年以来,很多新技术进入电信行业,推动了 5G 转型,比如软件定义网络(SDN)、AI /ML、编排、虚拟化和微服务架构/云原生等。这些新技术带来了各行各业的新商业模式和使用案例,”爱立信高级产品管理总监 Balaji Ethirajulu 说。 同时,他又补充说:“使用案例需要可靠的网络、低延时、高带宽和特定的网络分片。为了给各行各业提供高效的服务,供应商需要更高的自动化程度、CI/CD、较低的总体拥有成本(TCO)、边缘计算、网络和服务敏捷性、更快速地进入市场、较高的可靠性和安全性。” 5G 网络技术要求高,为了提供 5G 网络,爱立信团队分析研究了不同的技术,选择了云原生和其他一些开源技术,包括 Kubernetes。 “在 5G 网络中,云原生对于电信应用至关重要,” Ethirajulu 说,“云原生设计和技术能帮我们实现自动化、扩展、性能、高效运营、快速上市、改进 CI/CD 流水线,能让我们在不影响整个应用的前提下,便捷导入新软件或特性。这些设计和技术还能帮我们满足部分边缘需求,实现基础架构的最佳利用,降低 TCO。” 为了实现 5G 网络,爱立信决定在自己的多款产品中使用云原生技术,包括双模 5G 内核、爱立信云原生基础架构和 Kubernetes 发行版,也称为Cloud…
Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers and every sector of society. For more than a century, Ericsson has been a top manufacturer of telecom equipment, with about…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020
Experts from around the world will join over 8000 attendees in Amsterdam SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – January 29, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced…