Search results for: kubernetes

Diversity scholarship series: Inspired by Kubernetes and its community

Posted on May 19, 2017

CNCF offered six diversity scholarships to developers to attend CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017. In this post, our scholarship recipient Kim Lehtinen, second-year student at University of Vaasa in Finland, shares his experience attending sessions and meeting the…

Kubernetes making a splash at OpenStack Summit Boston (May 7-11)

Posted on May 5, 2017

By: OpenStack Special Interest Group leaders, Ihor Dvoretskyi from Mirantis and Steve Gordon from Red Hat, highlighting the status of collaboration between Kubernetes and OpenStack OpenStack Summit is happening next week in Boston (May 7-11). It is one…

CNCF brings Kubernetes, CoreDNS, OpenTracing and Prometheus to Google Summer of Code 2017

Posted on May 4, 2017 | By Chris Aniszczyk

The Google Summer of Code (GSOC) program allows university students (over the age of 18) from around the world to spend their summer breaks writing code and learning about open source development. Accepted students work with a mentor and become…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation makes Kubernetes certified administrator exam curriculum freely available

Posted on March 29, 2017

Curriculum Blueprint Allows Training Providers To Get Jump Start on Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Preparations BERLIN – CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe – March 29, 2017 – T​he Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which is sustaining and integrating open source…

Measuring the popularity of Kubernetes using BigQuery

Posted on February 27, 2017 | By Dan Kohn

By Dan Kohn, CNCF Executive Director, @dankohn1 As the executive director of CNCF, I’m proud to host Kubernetes, which is one of the highest development velocity projects in the history of open source. I know this because I…

Container management trends: Kubernetes moves out of testing and into production

Posted on January 17, 2017 | By Sarah Conway

In conjunction with CloudNativeCon+ KubeCon (Nov 8-9, 2016), the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) conducted a survey of attendees. More than 170 conference attendees completed the survey, with a majority of respondents (73%) coming from technology companies (vs. enterprise IT),…

Knowledge, abilities & Skills you will gain at Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 roadshow: Pacific Northwest!

Posted on January 3, 2017 | By Kristen Evans

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is taking to the road February 7-9  in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver to offer end users, developers, students and other community members the ability to learn from experts at Red Hat, Apprenda and CNCF on how…

Channel Insider: "CNCF preps Kubernetes program for MSPs"

Posted on December 21, 2016

As customer interest in the Kubernetes container management platform rises rapidly, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) arm of the Linux Foundation is gearing up to create a program to help educate managed service providers (MSPs) on how…

Diversity scholarship series: My programming journey – becoming a Kubernetes maintainer

Posted on November 29, 2016

I’m Lucas Käldström from Finland. I speak Swedish as my mother tongue in the same manner as 300,000 others in my country do. I just turned 17 and am attending my second year in general upper secondary school….

Cloud Native Computing Foundation launches Cloud Native/Kubernetes roadshow in Pacific Northwest

Posted on November 29, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO – November 29, 2016 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which is sustaining and integrating open source technologies to orchestrate containers of microservices, today announced the launch of its Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 Roadshow: Pacific Northwest to introduce key concepts, resources…