Cloud Native Now: “Latest Kubernetes Update Increases Enterprise Appeal”
The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes this week released a 1.30 update that, among other capabilities, includes a Recursive Read-Only (RRO) Mounts feature. The new feature, in alpha, prevents any accidental modifications to data to improve cybersecurity.
Cloud Native Now: “Latest Kubernetes Update Increases Enterprise Appeal”
The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes this week released a 1.30 update that, among other capabilities, includes a Recursive Read-Only (RRO) Mounts feature. The new feature, in alpha, prevents any accidental modifications to data to improve cybersecurity.
ITOps Times: “Kubernetes 1.30 is now available”
The Kubernetes release team has announced that Kubernetes 1.30 is now available. It includes 45 enhancements; 17 are Stable, 18 are in Beta, and 10 are in Alpha.
ITOps Times: “Kubernetes 1.30 is now available”
The Kubernetes release team has announced that Kubernetes 1.30 is now available. It includes 45 enhancements; 17 are Stable, 18 are in Beta, and 10 are in Alpha.
Spiceworks: “Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon”
This year, Kubernetes, the cloud native technology on which most current applications, cloud services and major online platforms are based on, is turning ten. And unlike my tenth birthday, Kubernetes started its celebration off in great…
Generating Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies from Kyverno policies
Project post originally published on Kyverno’s blog by Mariam Fahmy In the previous blog post, we discussed writing Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions in Kyverno policies for resource validation. CEL was first introduced to Kubernetes for the Validation rules…
WebAssembly on Kubernetes: the practice guide (part 02)
Community post by Seven Cheng | View part one here In the previous article, I gave an overview of Wasm’s features and advantages. I also explained how to run Wasm modules within container environments. In this…
CNCF On demand webinar: Kubernetes detection and response – identifying threats in runtime
In this webinar we will introduce the functionality of Kubernetes Detection and Response. Shifting left is important, this is a reminder to keep tabs on the right and an explanation of what to look for and…
LeMagIT: “IA générative et Kubernetes : ces défis que l’écosystème doit relever”
La semaine dernière, la KubeCon parisienne a permis de mettre en lumière l’importance de Kubernetes dans l’émergence de l’IA générative… et des progrès que l’écosystème doit encore réaliser pour que l’orchestrateur de conteneurs réponde aux enjeux…
The Register: “How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes?”
LOGOWATCH Are you feeling creative? To celebrate ten years of Kubernetes, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is seeking a design for an anniversary logo. Perhaps just the letters A and I crudely taped onto a ship’s…